With LSDJ patcher's newest update we can create custom palettes and fonts and save them. Share yours!
https://github.com/jkotlinski/lsdpatch/ … tag/v1.1.2
Last edited by HardstyleFox (Jan 25, 2017 3:53 pm)
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With LSDJ patcher's newest update we can create custom palettes and fonts and save them. Share yours!
https://github.com/jkotlinski/lsdpatch/ … tag/v1.1.2
Last edited by HardstyleFox (Jan 25, 2017 3:53 pm)
funny you posted this just now, I just added fonts to a new repo
if anyone wants to submit theirs as well, I'll gladly accept them
edit: Gradius, Zero Wing, and Strider fonts came from here http://nfggames.com/games/fontmaker/lister.php
Last edited by urbster1 (Jan 26, 2017 2:26 pm)
thanks I've added your font. I don't have a repo set up for palettes (yet) though
new version of the patcher is out to fix issues with loading fonts on DMG: https://github.com/jkotlinski/lsdpatch/ … tag/v1.1.3
Last edited by urbster1 (Jan 26, 2017 12:21 pm)
https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21A … D4E7D15214 some new stuff (haven't bothered to make previews just yet l0l)
these are great!! I hope you don't mind if I add them to my repo, with credit of course
go right ahead! will probably ping you on twitter from this point on whenever I update my onedrive haha
Chipmusic.org palette https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx8f9 … 3BHUy1ENjQ
Last edited by HardstyleFox (Jan 27, 2017 10:16 pm)
How do you ensure you make a DMG compatible palette?
palette changes don't apply to DMG, only CGB/AGB/etc. you still only get 2 palettes on DMG, regular and inverted
Bummer< I was hoping to make something even more hi contrasty
I hear what you're saying, both palettes use the lightest and darkest shades already on DMG though so it would be tough to devise something else. what did you have in mind?
Getting rid of the grey shadowing on chain/pattern/rows commands, instrument numbers, tempo
Last edited by herr_prof (Jan 28, 2017 2:32 am)