Thank you so much! It was quite a bit of work, took most of November writing it from "scratch" using React and Gatsby.
Kabar wrote:so this basically grabs every song uploaded to and throws them into a shuffled playlist?
Correct! Or rather, every song uploaded until ~June 2017 when I initially grabbed the index. Refreshing the index with all the music since then is one of the final check list items I have before launching for real. (Songs also have to be licensed correctly to allow reuse, or they get skipped when playing.)
Kabar wrote:also, love the addition of adding random gifs to each track.
Thanks! Right now they're hardcoded to be "pixel art" GIFs from Giphy, but a future update will let you specify your own tags.
So the visualizer could be 100% "yuyu hakasho" GIFs if you wanted.

Last edited by Andrex (Jan 15, 2020 8:34 pm)