When I record LSDJ 'songs', I do so a track at a time - synching each one up to my DAW's MIDI.
That's all been fine and well, but on a recent track where I was playing about with new kick drum sounds in the WAV channel (rather than NOISE, which I tend to use), I ran into a strange issue.
When I record a channel (PU1 for example), with all the others muted, I am getting a clicking sound in time with the kick drum instrument on the WAV channel - even though it's muted. I thought this was a panning issue somewhere, but it happens even when everything is set to the centre. Somehow, the WAV channel kick is bleeding over into the others.
Here's an example MP3:
https://unexpectedbowtie.files.wordpres … gclick.mp3
If I blank out the WAV channel completely (add in a blank chain), the clicking goes away. I've tried it on a couple of different Game Boys, and had the same thing.
Is this normal? I've not come across it before. Any suggestions welcome!