Hi all,
so after years I got back into my DMG collection
and went through my scrap DMGs to test them out and fix.
I got one which had a few dead lines, which were easily fixed, however it
has abother weird problem:
When turning it on, the screen is directly all black.
The contrast wheel doesn‘t change anything
(I think sth. actually changes veeeeeery slightly but all in all it stays black, I also have the impression that after some time, a picture of noise appears, some pixels get almost unnoticable brighter).
The cables seem fine, sound works.
I changed the potentiometer, but nothing changed.
I connected another LCD board, which worked fine.
I found this post from a few years back, but it doesn‘t seem to be solved: https://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/1593 … -contrast/
Has anyone encountered this issue and solved it?
I got a soldering iron, multimeter, a bunch of caps and the will to try and fix it, but I really do not know what to do
Any help appreciated!