Hey all, quick question. I got a Supercard SD Mini the other day, which is a really cheap GBA flash cartridge. I mainly got it for Furious Advanced Tracker(a GBA tracker), but it also has a built-in Gameboy emulator which I would like to run LSDJ on. The problem is, because of the wonky hardware system they set up in the card, it doesn't pass the SRAM test. Is there anyway to bypass this? I assume the SRAM is just for saves, but I could be wrong. If it were, I would be able to patch it out if there hasn't already been a patch(I've looked and found nothing). I'm pretty sure the GBA flash cartridge has other means of saving, so I can keep my progress(not all game saves work properly with their wonky memory, including the GBA tracker, so it has other means for saving. I could be totally wrong, though)
Last edited by Kal (Jul 10, 2018 2:51 am)