
I was wondering if anyone is planning on attending MAGFest in January. If so, I thought it would be interesting to put together a MAGES (Music and Gaming Educational Symposium) panel of chipmusicians who might chat about chiptunes and education. In particular, I'd like to ask panelists some questions about potential implications of chiptunes for educators as it relates to some of the findings from my dissertation on cm.o. Let me know if you're going and whether you have an interest in participating in this potential panel.



I would encourage you to seek out and invite people you think would be good speakers, so you can get a diverse and informed panel instead of just whoever happens to be in town that day.

herr_prof wrote:

I would encourage you to seek out and invite people you think would be good speakers, so you can get a diverse and informed panel instead of just whoever happens to be in town that day.

If I was currently working at a university and had institutional funding to provide to panelists, I would love to do something more targeted as I would be able to provide a stipend to help cover costs associated with travel and what not. I agree with the sentiment behind your suggestion and was just curious if there was only going to be one or two people attending or a much larger number. If much larger, I would like to be more strategic with the selection process and submit a proposal; however, I don't plan on submitting if there is a small response rate where I couldn't get a more diverse and informed panel. The current lack of responses leads me to believe there won't be a diverse enough group of people who are already planning on attending and are interested in doing a panel.

I do appreciate your suggestion!


Its kinda a chicken or egg kind of thing, some people might want to go if they knew they could be on a panel or play a show, regardless of honorarium.

herr_prof wrote:

Its kinda a chicken or egg kind of thing, some people might want to go if they knew they could be on a panel or play a show, regardless of honorarium.

That's a good point. Since there aren't any other responses indicating an interest at the moment, I'll plan on asking specific individuals in the spring if they'd be interested in doing a panel for the following year. This would give several months to potentially save up money for next year's conference. Thanks again for your input!