Hi! Since I never had original Gameboy cables, I personally always soldered my own connector to them. Prev I used micro usb for example. When you know the pinout it is not difficult to do. LSDJ for example needs the clock on SERIAL CLOCK (pin5), and GND (pin 6), SERIN (pin 3), and SEROUT (pin 2) to ground. Nanoloop only needs the clock on SERIN, GND to ground ofc, no further groundings. You really need no device for this.
The arduinos output 5V TTL level, they can be directly used to go into gameboys (any sync), and also to use as analog sync.
Same for MIDI - all can be done without further electronics - going directly from the arduino pin to
Gameboy, analog sync, midi sync. Arduinos drive up to 40mA current. MIDI is a current loop. 40mA is enough, and if in doubt you can amplify with a single transistor + 2 resistors (< 1 EUR)
With arduino I refer to the usual ATMEGA microcontrollers (and most others), which appear to me from the photos might be used in the defmon sync device. The code required is pretty much arduinoboy, reading the input from the user port signal (play, pause, 24 ppqn come from defmon instead of MIDI IN).
I am up to to publish all my sync stuff open source, now realized: my old sync device is also (accidently) and can be used as defmon sync device. The "user port sync" as I had called it I have used with SID-Wizard 1.7 when I was only able to have the C64 as master So there is also a SID-Wizard version I can provide which works with the defmon sync device.
Last edited by MARiO64 (Oct 28, 2020 11:05 am)