of course I will try to record something. But before I must learn how to install Soundblaster drivers in DOSEMU. The laptop actually have a linux debian OS.
Necro reply for sure, but the Toshiba Satellite 4010CDT has the Yamaha OPL3-SA3 inside it.
Only works properly if you install drivers from Yamaha though, the standard Microsoft SAX driver only works for MIDI file playback.
I grabbed drivers at the bottom of this page: https://web.archive.org/web/20160307174
"OPL3-SAx Drivers for YMF701, 711, 715, 718, 719"
Necro reply for sure, but the Toshiba Satellite 4010CDT has the Yamaha OPL3-SA3 inside it.
Only works properly if you install drivers from Yamaha though, the standard Microsoft SAX driver only works for MIDI file playback.
I grabbed drivers at the bottom of this page: https://web.archive.org/web/20160307174 /download/"OPL3-SAx Drivers for YMF701, 711, 715, 718, 719"
Thanks for your contribution!
Sorry for this necro post, but I get a toshiba tecra 530 cdt. On startup it says : no system disk. If I remove the 2GB disk it says insert a disk. I may need to install win98 but the problem is there is no cd drive and I think no floppy drive too. I am searching a PCMCIA cd drive or one which can work with the tecra 530 cdt.
Do you know if some other cd drive can work or not ? I read somewhere that recent cd drive can work with a PCMCIA adaptor. Is it true ?
Last edited by MazHoot (Jan 22, 2025 4:13 pm)
First of all, are you there's no CD drive? It's supposed to be on the right side - if not, you'd see a hole where the drive was.
As for getting this thing to boot. The way I usually get this kind of computer to boot is by putting files externally on the HDD, and booting off of that, no reliance on floppies or CDs.
You have two options for this:
1) Get a USB to IDE caddy, and plug in the HDD into it.
2) Get a CF card and a CF to IDE adapter. This lets you use a CD memory card as a HDD. This will often make it boot faster, and be more quiet. (Unless you have nostalgia attached to the clicking HDD noise. ) This also make it easy to read the card with a standard memory card reader for transferring files in and out.
From there, there are few details but you need to for example attach the drive to a virtual machine, or image it somehow to the same effect. Then boot a DOS boot disk and do a command like "sys a:". Copy the install.exe and the win98 folder from the Win98 CD to the CF card. With any luck, it should now be possible to insert the CF card, through the HDD adapter, to the laptop and boot it. Now you should be able to type install to start the installation.
There are some details I'm glossing over, and I would love to try to help you get it running.
Sorry I didn’t see your message. Thank’s for your reply !
Yes there is no cd rom drive, it’s because the emplacement for cd rom drive can also be used by a hdd. And bad luck I have an hdd, not a cd rom drive !
This is this hdd which I was talking about. And I just discovered that I have no other hdd… the emplacement for’the main hdd is… empty…
Because it said « no system disk » when this secondary hdd was inside, and nothing when it wasn’t inside made me think that it try to boot on this hdd. The message was « disque non système » in french it means it’s not a system disk, not that there is no disk, just to be clear.
I bought an ide to usb adaptor and connected this secondary hdd to my mac pro computer. I tried several things which didn’t work, then I tried from a linux computer. This is what I did :
sudo parted /dev/sdX mklabel msdos
sudo parted /dev/sdX mkpart primary fat16 1MiB 100%
sudo mkfs.fat -F16 /dev/sdX1
sudo parted /dev/sdX set 1 boot on
And then I copied the content of freedos.img in the disk and the content of win98se.img in a folder (for no conflict between freedos boot and win98). The plan was ro boot in freedos and then cd to win98 folder and install it from there. I did that after watching a tutorial which was using usb keys for boot, 1 for freedos boot and the other for win98. But in my case I can’t use usb.
I can’t use usb because I can’t enter to bios, I tried everything, including keys which are marked to work with this model. I can’t go to the bios so I put all the files in the hdd.
After starting the toshiba, it ask me a password (it always did that… very annoying) which I have so it says « password ok, starting the system… » and nothing, cursor blinking. I let it like that long time but nothing happened. The message « no system disk » is gone so I presume it tries now to boot on the hdd, but it don’t work…
Last edited by MazHoot (Feb 13, 2025 9:51 pm)
That looks reasonable. Sometimes the BIOS on old computers have trouble using a HDD on the IDE channel normally used for a CD drive. The IDE hardware can handle it, but the BIOS doesn't set it up right. It assumes channel x is always a CD drive...
Something you can try is GRUB4DOS which sometimes works like magic.
Download here: https://github.com/chenall/grub4dos/releases
Get the 0.4.6a or maybe some older version that's not marked UEFI. Then to prepare the disk, use the "bootlace.com" utility. Despite what it looks like with the .com extension, it also runs under Linux. Just
chmod +x bootlace.com
sudo ./bootlace.com /dev/sdX
Also copy the grldr file onto the filesystem.
If it works, you should end up in a grub like menu. You can then use this for chainloading various things. For example for DOS:
find --set-root /io.sys
chainloader /io.sys
or whatever the equivalent is for FreeDOS.
Or for a floppy image:
find --set-root /floppy.img
map --mem /floppy.img (fd0)
map --hook
rootnoverify (fd0)
chainloader (fd0)+1
You can also put these in a menu.lst file to get a menu, for example:
title boot DOS
find --set-root /io.sys
chainloader /io.sys
title boot floppy.img
find --set-root /floppy.img
map --mem /floppy.img (fd0)
map --hook
rootnoverify (fd0)
chainloader (fd0)+1
I also remember finding a program that rescans the IDE bus for drives, for those cases when the BIOS got it wrong. I'll see if I can dig up the name/find the file for it.