Asheville, NC

Magnus PĂ„lsson's badass soundtrack for VVVVVV. This shit rules.


Wellington, New Zealand

Sorry for bringing back an old thread, but this is seriously awesome. Souleye is probably one of my favorite chiptuners, ever since I hear his madtracker2 config tune using only a kick and a sine wave (while playing vvvvvv I heard it again, but this time it was a proper extended version) It is a great game and a great album. I recommend this to everyone.


I like the album art :3 Beatles aye!  xD

Wellington, New Zealand

Wowee this album is amazing. Just got it a few minutes ago after playing the game heaps. Predestined fate is my favorite track on the whole album, as it is an extended version of the MT2 config song.

Lol scrolling through the comments for this album on souleye's website. This one was my favorite:

"The music is fucking spectacular"
--- Anthony Burch,

Last edited by Apricorn (Oct 24, 2010 3:18 am)