I tried this once out of curiosity and it didn't work as far as I could tell, but I've had some great hallucinatory experiences with not-quite-white noise. Just tune your radio to outer space or put on some loud noisy music and lie down on a bed.
Once I set the first song of this on repeat, was half asleep, started hearing voices (while still being in a conscious enough state to reflect on how they weren't supposed to be there and to try to make sense from what they were saying) and got the sensation that my bed was spinning around, so I held onto the sides really hard and enjoyed the ride. At some point I must have been fully asleep, though, because I had a dream where I very slowly walked out and kissed my grandmother while everything was super bright and shaking (the spinning sensation sort of remaining).
When I woke up I felt super happy and refreshed, but I had a bad headache from having listened to the music loudly for an hour or so, my sheets were in a complete mess and I was sweaty like I'd had the worst nightmare ever.