nickmaynard wrote:if kitsch is hesitant, that should tell you something.
their inability to produce a product that essentially everyone want s a piece of, that uses pretty common products, should tell you more than us dropping their product...
they make good stuff. they can't run a smooth business though. waiting on them turns into frustration. and, i tend to be pretty patient...
they advised us it would be a long time until they got that stuff running again, and we were advised to take a refund, which we did. it was hinted they were thinking of a complete remodel of the cart, but their prototype failed, and then they sort of just gave up and advised we get a refund.
good stuff. awful service. they were trying to complete our order with them by sending us a handful here and there (like, 15 at a time
), which is why they came and went in spurts in our shop for a little bit.
so, if they can only manage getting us 15 units, in about a 3-4 month period, best of luck to you all! they could have made a bit of money through us, but opted to instead sit on their hands re: production.
but, like i said, it is actually well made. and, their mind for product design is very good. i guess its just hard for them to handle the actual selling part. designing, awesome. selling... ehhhhh