Milwaukee, WI

Does granular stuff with LSDJ kits count?

Westfield, NJ

I have a track on the DS10 that is based on noise melodies and delay. If you think this fits I'll send it over.


I do a thing with CMOS chips where they basically play music by themselves.  The algorithm is made by the connection chain of logic functions. If you have space on your compo I've been recording a lot lately and can put something together.

Last edited by droffset (Aug 4, 2010 12:18 am)

A gray world of dread
Theta_Frost wrote:

Does granular stuff with LSDJ kits count?

Could you explain a bit, I'm not familar with it. Is it just granular synthesis? What's the generative part?

Decktonic wrote:

I have a track on the DS10 that is based on noise melodies and delay. If you think this fits I'll send it over.

Noise melodies= noise channel stuff, or melodies generated by noise?

droffset wrote:

I do a thing with CMOS chips where they basically play music by themselves.  The algorithm is made by the connection chain of logic functions. If you have space on your compo I've been recording a lot lately and can put something together.

That sounds exactly like what I'm looking for, send away! smile

In order to avoid further confusion, here's a simple test question to ask whether your track qualifies or not:

[R1...Rn] --> [Blackbox] --> Music

R1...Rn are your Random seeds. If they change, does your track sound different? Usually, if you use a pseudo-random number genreator for parameters, that means your track will sound different every time you play it.

Last edited by µB (Aug 4, 2010 7:36 am)


I'm in, just need to know the format you prefer: MP3, WAV, does MOD and/or "ROM-formats" (SMS, NES, GB) work ?

Thanks, this is an excellent idea !


Last edited by pXtR (Aug 4, 2010 7:55 am)

A gray world of dread

Something lossless like wav or flac, please. I can convert mods myself, but I don't have any console hardware to record modules from, so I'd have to emulate them.

Westfield, NJ
Decktonic wrote:

I have a track on the DS10 that is based on noise melodies and delay. If you think this fits I'll send it over.

Noise melodies= noise channel stuff, or melodies generated by noise?

Melodies generated by noise, but the track sounds the same every time, so I'm gonna assume it does not fit the requirement.

A gray world of dread

That depends- if the noise builds your melody structure, then that's your random seed (ie, what you hear is not the noise itself but the noise translated into a melody by some algorithm). If that's the case, your track would qualify since if you'd change the noise input, the melody would change. I don't know how the DS10 handles noise generation, but I'll assume it's pseudo-noise, which means its 'randomness' can't be altered, but I'd be willing to stretch the requirements thataway.

Last edited by µB (Aug 4, 2010 11:49 am)

Westfield, NJ
µB wrote:

That depends- if the noise builds your melody structure, then that's your random seed (ie, what you hear is not the noise itself but the noise translated into a melody by some algorithm). If that's the case, your track would qualify since if you'd change the noise input, the melody would change. I don't know how the DS10 handles noise generation, but I'll assume it's pseudo-noise, which means its 'randomness' can't be altered, but I'd be willing to stretch the requirements thataway.

You are 100% correct on both counts. If it were true noise, the melodies would change. I'll get a wav file over to you soon.

A gray world of dread

Alright, two more tracks in! Keep em coming!

Milwaukee, WI

Eh, I suppose it's not generative.

Westfield, NJ

Did this comp die?

The Hollow Earth
Decktonic wrote:

Did this comp die?

Gosh, I hope not. Funny thing, I was just thinking about it this morning and wondering the same thing. Well at least there are four tracks now, instead of one or two. Maybe it will just be a short comp?

Westfield, NJ

A compilation EP.


Was working on some simple c64 ones last night, based on the math:

lda temp3
adc #$ff  ; seed addition 1
sta temp3
lda temp2
adc #$ff ; seed addition 2
sta temp2

lda temp
adc temp3
adc temp2
and #$3f
sta temp
lda notehi,x
sta 54273+14
lda notelo,x
sta 54272+14

; seed variable inits.
temp .byte $00
temp2 .byte $45
temp3 .byte $96

It's only one channel for now, I might try and get some 3 channel tracks working.  Some examples made by changing the seed additions:  (pal c64 .exe files)



That's pretty awesome. How can you control the number of channels? Are they hardware channels?