noisewaves wrote:nickmaynard wrote:have you seen anamanaguchi's psone screen mod?
are both mods pretty easy?
is there a tut for the flip-up psone screen anywhere?
there aren't tutorials for either specifically, i don't think. i'm sure other people must have done my mod and anamanaguchi's mods before but i've never seen them.
to do something like this, you only need to consider two things. 1. the video signal (and audio, if you're going to use the psone's built in speakers like i did) and 2. the power.
1. this is as simple as it could possibly get. open the psone screen up and at the bottom of the main board, you'll see two little bundles of wires. check this picture -

socket #2, wire #1 is the composite video in. all you have to do is solder that wire to the video out of the NES. i soldered it to the underside of the RF box. then i soldered socket #2, wire #4 to the ground that was right next to the video thing underneath the RF box. that's all i did to get the video signal going, so easy.
2. this is a little trickier, depending on how you want to do it. right now, my screen has a different power source than the nes. i have two power cords coming out of my nintendo. this is something i will be changing soon, so i can't really offer advice yet on having them use the same power source.
if you don't mind them using separate power sources, here's how i did it. go to radio shack and buy one of their generic ac adapters. these usually have a little switch on them that let you change how many volts they are. make sure the one you buy has a setting for 7.5 volts.
these usually have different tips you can buy, so that they can fit different devices. you're going to need to buy the power jack that you'll mount on the NES also, so it doesn't matter what size you buy of either the tip or the jack, as long as you buy the same size.
so, drill a hole in the back of the nes, screw the power jack on. solder socket #1 wires #1 and #2 to the appropriate spots on that power jack.
on my NES, i have a power button that turns the screen on and off. this is just a simple switch that is in between the power jack and socket #1 wire #1. easy.
all of the necessary components are available at any radio shack. there's usually someone there that'll be smart enough to answer questions about this kind of stuff too.
if any of this was unclear, ask more questions!