Westfield, NJ
ant1 wrote:
DaPantz wrote:

Actually, I'd say that's what MOST people do, and it's a shame in my opinion. It's why there are tons of technically proficient and "good" chipmusic out there with absolutely no personality...sometimes sound design isn't pushed hard enough. I like to see the perfect marriage of both, which is what I've seen from Nullsleep, Bit Shifter, Zen Albatross, exileFaker, glomag, a few more.

Personality comes from sound design?

Yeah, it's harder to imitate a song that has unique synthesis... you'll be struggling to figure out how they got that particular "sound."

̛̛̩̥̩̥̩̥̅ ̥⎬̛̛̛̛̛̥̥̩̥̩̩

Did the term "GB Synthesis" exist before this thread?



Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA

Do people not understand what i mean by synthesis?
it has nothign to do with song structure or ability to write music.

it's the technical side of things.. ability to create unique and interesting sounds.
attention to detail in the sound structure, not song structure.

Luckily i like ovenrake's and nullsleep's song structures too on the stated subject matter.

Abandoned on Fire
low-gain wrote:

Do people not understand what i mean by synthesis?
it has nothign to do with song structure or ability to write music.

it's the technical side of things.. ability to create unique and interesting sounds.
attention to detail in the sound structure, not song structure.

Luckily i like ovenrake's and nullsleep's song structures too on the stated subject matter.

I realize you're not expressing a preference, but this is really close to an ongoing argument I have with a Frank Zappa obsessed buddy.  My side boils down to "I'd rather hear an interesting song than a well written one."  To me, there's a lot of fantastic chip compositions that just have no character (sound wise) and that's a shame.  I'm a huge blues fan and I'm always amazed at how those truly great performers were/are ALL about the details.  They can play the exact same rhythm or chords or whatever and make it completely new thru inflection alone.