Yo momma is so old she was voted "Mostly likely to walk upright" in her highschool yearbook.
Yo momma so fat she caused a Butter Overflow error on her computer.
yo momma so fat, not even dora can explore her.
Your mommas so fat, screen door on a submarine.
Your mommas so fat, screen door on a submarine.
Your mommas so fat, screen door on a submarine.
Your mommas so ugly, chocolate teapot.
You guys are terrible at this...
Your momma's so fat, she sat on a dollar and four quarters came out.
You call people terrible at this and then type a played out one from 1922? lol!
Anyways dozens suck as text because they have to be performed live so you can appropriately be WYLD 'N OUT.
scene: neigborhood ball court
Kid1: Your Mother is so fat, that she plays hopskotch like
(Takes Huge leap)
(crowd erupts in audacious laughter)
(kid2 pulls his gun)
Last edited by herr_prof (Oct 12, 2010 8:32 pm)
Decktonic wrote:You guys are terrible at this...
Your momma's so fat, she sat on a dollar and four quarters came out.
You call people terrible at this and then type a played out one from 1922? lol!
Check yo'self foo', 1922 had like, da best yo mama jokes.
Yo mama so old, her social security number is "1"
Ya mama's so smart her Social Security number is 192-168-0-1.
Ya mama's voice is so grating they call her "Cheesy Breeze".
Ya mama's so wide Transformers spray paint "WHOA!" on her ass.
Ya mama's teeth are so green George Washington calls her "Mint".