I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but I must admit that I'm somewhat disappointed with this release. Don't get me wrong, I still love it and it will most likely be part of my regular musical rotation for quite some time. But with the various single tracks that IAYD has been releasing on 8bc over the past year or two, I kind of expected his 4th release to blow my mind. Not figuratively speaking, I mean I literally expected soundwaves to cause my skull to collapse onto itself and leave me reduced to a pile of blood, guts and semen. And in many ways, musicially this release seems like a few steps backwards compared to the greatness of those tracks.
It's not a BAD release. It just seems a bit repetitive for my liking. Perhaps that was the intention. But there is very little variation between the songs, which surprised me considering that most of IAYDs single tracks lately have been of varying styles and tempos. The programing, the melodies and the beats are all top notch and some of the best Game Boy stuff around, I just feel like the songwriting isn't as strong as it could be, based on his other stuff.