
if it is much like c64, you include the  bin file with your assembler   (there should definitely 100% a way to include bin files) and then jsr to it a lot of times (it probably wants to be called each time the screen refreshs)

Russia, Moscow

BIN in FamiTracker's export does not include the music player, so you should both incbin the BIN and also include the player's source, and before calling the player you should tell it where the BIN located - don't know how, check the player's source.

Actually you can use NSF in your NES program, the problem is that you can't choose where the code will be located, and you'll not be able to play sound effects. It is acceptable for a simple intro or a music disc. I guess there could be problems with expansion chips, because banking could be used, for 'linear' memory model it is very simple:

  lda #0                ;init music, call it once, A is song number
  jsr $ac00
  jsr $ac03            ;play music, call it every frame
  .bank 1
  .org $a2e2-$80
  .incbin "music.nsf"