

I have been trying to get some advice on how to get my website to be more NES/8-bit...ish. I've been asking in a general computer forum and most of the people there seem to think that the site has an "old looking and outdated design", but... That's kinda the point... I don't mean to ramble so just tell me what you think. What is good, what is bad, what can be improved, removed, added and so on. I value your help and I am looking forward to some experts on the subject reviews smile

The url is

Montreal, Canada

Cool site. Maybe using a nes-styled font would give it a more 8bit feel.


black style
glitched backround
oldschool font



but no, I think your website looks pretty retro and rad. pick another font/banner maybe i dunno

Good luck

Wellington, New Zealand

The icons kind of ruin it.
The colors are terrible. Try stick to a certain color scheme.
Change the fonts to more 8-bit fonts like a nes one.
Make the background a cool pattern or something that is really pixely.
Found out that the icons are ads. Maybe try taking them off if you want a more 8-bit feel.

Last edited by Apricorn (Apr 7, 2011 8:03 pm)


it looks like 97 webpage and that's not nice.

But your pages are well written, that's good!

Make it simple, i use two colors in my website, black and orange and some shades of gray. I just made it simple cause nobody wants a mess in your face. Look for how to design your website to make it simpler!

Last edited by Subway Sonicbeat (Apr 7, 2011 8:59 pm)

New York City

The Bronx

Akira has just supplied the only answer.


@ Akira:

That's my face right now

Philly, PA, USA

i hate you so much for making this thread.

The Mountains

Put a bunch of soundcloud embeds of my songs please


If you're going for a dated look, there's no substitute...

However, the "dated website" look isn't really 8-bit/NES-like. If you want the latter, you should probably scrap the current design. I like it as it is, though. Just get rid of the ads.

pixls wrote:

i hate you so much for making this thread.

Ya know, the guy at least put it in the right area for critics and not the section for people to ramble and complain about it. he actually had alot of info on the site.

Then again, I haven't been nice to people in a while so ill revisit this in a few days lol

oh and to add to help with the site, the font stands out alot in almost and ugly way and comes off as tacky. varying the backround images per page could help and the ads are all over the place. Kinda reminds me of geocites.


Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to give constructive criticism on the design. I will replace the background and menu so that they have a more modest color scheme. That is "In progress".

Regarding the flaming comments, learn to understand the meaning of _constructive_ criticism. If you think the design sucks, that is fine, but please tell me why instead of just stating that it sucks.

How is the font standing out in an ugly way? Is it the font itself of the white color, or both? I would like to have an 8-bit/arcadish font but unfortunately It's a safer bet to go with something widespread as not all browsers support installable fonts, and I place a lot of weight on accessibility and complying with the CSS2 and XHTML1.1 standards.

Regarding the ads there will pronbably be less of them in the future. I'm currently evaluating two different ad-companies to see which one presents more relevant adds to my visitors. If you have an idea for a change in placement I'll be happy to listen. The current placement is so that the adds will not "break off" any content, as seen on many other more "modern looking" websites. For example a lot of people place a gargantuan add unit directly underneath the menu. This clearly generates more revenue but I'm sure it annoys users to a greater degree. Again, thank you all for your input, keep it coming smile


Yeah, my main problem with my website is I placed topaz font but only chrome accepts it. sad

New York City
Oskar Hanberg wrote:

Regarding the ads there will pronbably be less of them in the future. I'm currently evaluating two different ad-companies to see which one presents more relevant adds to my visitors.

Why the fuck do you even have ads? NOBODY likes ads.


And that is why we use Firefox with Adblock. If you feel that you do not want to view ads, don't. It's as simple as that. For others it makes sense to not want to cough up the entire cost of web hosting on your own. Ads and donations are a help in paying for domain names and hosting services and such. With ads on the site, it fills in the holes left when people don't donate to cover the entire cost of running the website.

Again, there is adblock for Firefox, and probably other addons for other browsers. I really wish that I'd get my website and hosting space for free, but I don't, not money-wise, nor time-wise. Therefore I have adds. No one is forcing you to visit the site, and if you visit the site, no one forces you to look at the ads, so drop your attitude please.