jbuonacc wrote:see, and then you get all weird about it. boo f'ing hoo.
I guess I was looking too hard for what I asked for, which is constructive feedback on the track.
I didn't want to have to justify/defend/whatever the project. I'm a NIN fan with (as you say) good intentions. I'm doing this for me and also for numerous people that asked me to do it. I set the topic the way I did because often "give me feedback" requests don't really get a lot of response and I figured I'd try something different. I guess I learned my lesson on that one, eh?
jbuonacc wrote:you want mass distribution? put it up on a filesharing network for free download. why *exactly* does anyone need a hard-copy of it? or a t-shirt? huh? sounds like you're taking advantage of not-so-smart NIN fans.
I can't afford a potential lawsuit. The licensing is a required cost if I don't obtain some sort of written permission. To get licensing, I have to ask for money, and then people ask, "why should I give you money?" They want something in return, so I offer a physical item. Sometimes people want stuff like that and sometimes they (you) don't. We've asserted that you don't. Again, fine with me. There's an option for that too. But why not try to serve both groups of people if I'm able? This isn't a "should I offer both digital downloads and CDs" debate or anything.
jbuonacc wrote:not overly impressed with the sample though, honestly. some very good parts, but it sounds a bit off altogether. i don't see the point in all this really. then again, if it were Bit Shifter doing it, i'd be praising him for it.
(i'd honestly love for him to do a whole Misfits chip album. sure wouldn't need a pressed CD or a t-shirt though.) sorry to say, but this had better be damn good if you want to pull it off.
Again, if you don't want one, don't buy it, that's just fine. The two lowest levels of contribution, which I am not asking you to pledge by the way, are digital downloads. No physical items. Solved.
I think Josh is a great guy. I own Information Chase and I bought a physical copy to support him. I understand that you do not feel the same way about me, but I really feel your comment basically says "I support him, but I don't support you," and you justify it with this:
jbuonacc wrote:ehh... i feel bad for saying all this becuse you obviously have good intentions. something about it just seems 'wrong' though.
Can you see why that might be the least bit upsetting? If you can come up with more than that, I have open ears! Otherwise I don't feel like this is going anywhere useful. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're being polite (for the most part?) about the matter...
jbuonacc wrote:btw - i'm thinking Saskrotch was being sarcastic. plenty sarcastic.
My sarcasm detector is off, I'm sorry to say. I'm in a pretty bad place, but I'm not here to plead. I think kickstarter is neat, it's good to not have to beg for an idea you think is cool, and most importantly, it worked for me.