
writers block is a myth. don't believe the hype. You just don't have the energy to make music right now. or you have hindered you mind with negative thoughts. I will usually focus my mind elsewhere untl I have received the proper inspiration. Or you can brute-force your way to making uninspired music until you hit a chord (pun intended). I don't know your personality so I just threw a cod's worth of ideas @ ya. Whatever you do remember to have fun smile


go find a job that really pisses you off. Kinda we get here in Brazil. You'll be so miserable with your life that you'll do everything to make that daily few free minutes making music result into something good.

This. Seriously.

I use to track on the subway, usually I jump off at the wrong station cause I was so immerse in the song I was making and it wasn't even a really good song.


Haha, really? That's pretty crazy.

TristEndo: That's also a good idea, a different mindset. Thanks!

San Francisco :P

I do impromptu, I just do what sounds right, an then once the project has been "done" for a while I come back to it, rewrite it a bit, and then I'm happy

Chicago IL

lately when i need to be inspired i listen to kohina for a while