It has a LEDx3 green back light non-inverted
An small green led for battery indicator near the power switch
A 3.5mm (at the bottom) Pro Sound Exit before sound level pot, this female plug has a switch to the two RCA (at the top) so if I plug to the 3.5mm out, the RCA out will be cut, if 3.5mm is unplugged I can use the RCA output. I use microphone cable to do the connections so I don't have any noise.
Internal speaker and headphones output are working, I believe that I have a noise on them now, but I just use them to edit, not to record.
Used original DMG-01 buttons and power switch.
Hope you like it
Extra: my LSDJ Keyboard
Last edited by Zuberi (Aug 3, 2011 11:36 pm)