http://datathrash.com wants YOU to participate in "Totalgoofcore PR Stunt Compilation (for the lulz)" !!!
Since I love Google Voice so much, I want to see what happens when it's used to "record" an album. Submissions will only be accepted through this Google Voice number:
(347) 541-DATA
Call it and play a track, scream, tell a joke, whatever. The only restriction is you MUST SAY YOUR ARTIST NAME EVEN IF YOU MAKE ONE UP.
Google Voice saves voicemails in low quality mp3 so expect artifacty buzzing unlistenableness to abound. Awesome.
If there are at least 10 proper submissions I'll release this through http://datathrash.bandcamp.com
Deadline is about 2 weeks or something.
Last edited by egr (Sep 22, 2011 5:22 pm)