
lol, did your love of "fancy" characters break the link?

Los Angeles
µB wrote:
Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in ... on line 38 Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf
]: Too few arguments in ... on line 52

fuck man, you got too many songs.

Los Angeles

ps its fixed. and it was your name.

Brighton | Portsmouth | UK

This new shit is tight


liking new home page, but it def took me for a spin at first.

worried about how it will look on mobile

vancouver, canada

AAH new layout

i like this.  i no longer have to launch a bigass wall of tabs for each forum category to see the latest posts.

any other cool changes on the way?

Los Angeles
bryface wrote:

AAH new layout

i like this.  i no longer have to launch a bigass wall of tabs for each forum category to see the latest posts.

any other cool changes on the way?


Los Angeles
trash80 wrote:
bryface wrote:

AAH new layout

i like this.  i no longer have to launch a bigass wall of tabs for each forum category to see the latest posts.

any other cool changes on the way?


maybe i lied


Why did you took off the recent posts button? sad
Now I'm lost without it.

Melbtown, Lolstralia
Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

Why did you took off the recent posts button? sad
Now I'm lost without it.

REALLY?!?! go to the front page


Everything too clumsy on the frontpage. I like one page with my recent topic so I can look and never click in any.

But really, I think it's too messed on the frontpage and the forum posts should get a different place.

Los Angeles
Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

Everything too clumsy on the frontpage. I like one page with my recent topic so I can look and never click in any.

But really, I think it's too messed on the frontpage and the forum posts should get a different place.

Cant please everyone. you could always just bookmark

Will place it back in if the demand is there. Let's see how this plays out. smile

Last edited by Trash80 (Sep 19, 2011 11:14 am)

A gray world of dread
trash80 wrote:

ps its fixed. and it was your name.

Thank you!

I'm special! big_smile

Also, the Recent button was the one I used most often. I like that you made it into home- just a thought, would it be possible to declutter the front page a bit by making a Forums button that has a drop down? Likewise, you could make the Music button drop down the filter options.

Ignore this if that is a horrible design idea, because I have no idea how to create good GUIs


Oh I see what you did now with recent posts. Seems like a more cluttered front page now, but I'll painfully retrain my muscle memory.

Last edited by herr_prof (Sep 19, 2011 12:04 pm)


for what it's worth i like the new front page a lot. but maybe i enjoy info overloads more than others.

so i've noticed now sort of braille looking dots appearing next to members' names after listening to their track. is = to play count, or something?

Last edited by Battle Lava (Sep 19, 2011 1:27 pm)

Westfield, NJ
