Anyone tried that sun tracker thing ?
from the screen grabs and feature list looks pretty good
SunVox is amazing m8. I've used it for all my stuff (except one time when I used klystracker to recreate the tetris theme from scratch).
I haven't tried it on an iPhone, but I know it's exactly the same as on the pc, so what you get in the pc version is what you get on the iphone version.
It's got compressors, frequency modulators, filters (with an lfo), generators with a large number of waveforms (tri, saw, pulse, noise, dirty, sine, hsine, asine, psine), movable patterns (so you can stack patterns on top of each other, meaning you have an unlimited number of channels to work with), midi support, samplers you can edit to a ridiculous degree, and a list of other stuff.
Oh, and you can change any of the values in the modules during the song. So if I want the saw generator to suddenly start playing a tri waveform, all I have to do is enter the commands into the tracker to do so. You can also have any number of generators and other modules
It's got all the features of a standard tracker and more. I think you guys would love this.
You can get the most recent version for free here
Here's an example of a track made with one generator and one channel (I made it on the pc, but the iphone can make the exact same thing)
Last edited by The Handle (Nov 2, 2011 7:56 pm)