egr wrote:Here's my contribution (couldn't decide how to "center" it):

egr: Sorry, but this logo has a couple of problems. (Call me a perfectionist if you will...)
Firstly, you didn't resize the original pixel logo by an even percentage, so the pixels aren't the same size. The third line from the bottom (the tongue of the G) is 11 pixels high but the other pixels are 10 pixels high. And different pixels are different widths. Resize both the width and height by integer values (500%, 600%, 1000%, but not 591% or something like that.)
The second problem is the jaggedness of the shadow which comes from the skew. The double pixels occur at every 6th or 7th pixel, which makes the shadow out of phase with the big pixel height. 45 degrees would obviously give a perfectly diagonal shadow. Of course, that's not what you want. But if you get the pixel ratio of the original logo right, you should be able to skew the shadow by exactly 41.99 degrees for a good result. (That gives you a ratio of 5/6 instead of 51/60 as it is now.)
Math is serious business!