

this is my first post! I already opened a thread at, but the problems weren't solved and no one is answering in the thread more. Sorry for my bad english hmm
So, my problem is that when I upload the arduinoboy code onto my arduino (duemilanove) the rx and px leds are blinking, then the L led. But after this normal process the L led is blinking six times, again and again in short periods. Sometimes in sync with the leds. It is really weird. And I tried nearly everything. Older versions, partial circuits, upload the arduino without connecting it to any port, clearing the EEPROM, but no matter I do, still the leds and the L led on the board are blinking. It seems like that nobody had ever this problem, I searched through many threads here on and I lost my hope sad

Los Angeles

There is nothing wrong.  That "L" LED is on pin 13, the same pin as the Arduinoboy status LED.

Are there any other problems?


Did you fix everything I told you about in the thread on 8bc?


@nitro yep, but the error is somewhere in the arduino I think. Because I can totally change the circuit and the error is still there hmm

@trash I know, but the problem is that when I compare the startup sequence of arduinoboys on youtube and mine, my startup sequence is that all leds except the 3. are flashing, then the 1. and the 6., then again 2. , 3. and 4. , then 2. , 3. , 5. and then 1. and 6. again. The whole time. And when I press the button nothing happens.

rochester, ny

is this just a problem with your LED's or does the arduinoboy not work too?


Do you have the other side of the switch connected to VCC?
You might try moving it to RAW and see if you can at least change modes.

Czech republic

Cycling LEDs - seems like a problem with the button setup.


@nick the arduinoboy itself does not work, the cycling and flashing leds are the only thing I see. The button... I will try, thank you.


Ok, I think the problem is the button. I tried 3 different buttons and all of them are broken, I tested several simple digital read projects and the  serial monitor results went completely weird. Is there a way to skip the mode selection and set a default mode in the code and skip the whole led and button part ?!

Czech republic

do this:

0x01, //force mode
0x00, //set number of mode you need

@ashi tried it, same problem. I'll make a video tomorrow...


I will now try to change the code that the programm skips the whole button-related part.

Czech republic

Strange. This worked for me with no problems. If you set the forced mode to say LSDJ master you can leave everything except for the Midi out connection and GB -> Arduino connection (+ power).

0x01, //force mode
0x01, //mode

With this setting LED 13 should blink in sync with gameboy.


Still blinking... the LED 13 in a short periods, six times on and of. I figured out that the bottleneck is the setMode()-Function. When I deleted every single calling of this function in the code and called modeLSDJMasterSyncSetup() in the main loop(), the LEDs stayed in sync in a strange way when I started LSDJ, set it to Master and pressed Start. The LEDs flashed in sync, but without any meaningful order. My next idea would be buying a new push button...

Los Angeles
ashimoke wrote:

Strange. This worked for me with no problems. If you set the forced mode to say LSDJ master you can leave everything except for the Midi out connection and GB -> Arduino connection (+ power).

0x01, //force mode
0x01, //mode

With this setting LED 13 should blink in sync with gameboy.

On arduinoboy > 1.2 you have to set force mode like that, AND alwaysUseDefaultSettings to true if the eeprom was already written to with previous settings.

boolean alwaysUseDefaultSettings = true; //set to true to always use the settings below, else they are pulled from memory for the software editor
boolean usbMode                  = false; //to use usb for serial communication as oppose to MIDI - sets baud rate to 38400

byte defaultMemoryMap[MEM_MAX] = {
  0x7F,0x01,0x02,0x7F, //memory init check
  0x01, //force mode (forces lsdj to be sl)
  0x01, //mode
  15, //sync effects midi channel (0-15 = 1-16)
  15, //masterNotePositionMidiChannel - LSDJ in master mode will send its song position on the start button via midi note. (0-15 = 1-16)
  15, //keyboardInstrumentMidiChannel - midi channel for keyboard instruments in lsdj. (0-15 = 1-16)
  1, //Keyboard Compatability Mode
  1, //Set to true if you want to have midi channel set the instrument number / doesnt do anything anymore
  0,1,2,3, //midiOutNoteMessageChannels - midi channels for lsdj midi out note messages Default: channels 1,2,3,4
  0,1,2,3, //midiOutCCMessageChannels - midi channels for lsdj midi out CC messages Default: channels 1,2,3,4
  1,1,1,1, //midiOutCCMode - CC Mode, 0=use 1 midi CC, with the range of 00-6F, 1=uses 7 midi CCs with the
                       //range of 0-F (the command's first digit would be the CC#), either way the value is scaled to 0-127 on output
  1,1,1,1, //midiOutCCScaling - CC Scaling- Setting to 1 scales the CC value range to 0-127 as oppose to lsdj's incomming 00-6F (0-112) or 0-F (0-15) 
  1,2,3,7,10,11,12, //pu1: midiOutCCMessageNumbers - CC numbers for lsdj midi out, if CCMode is 1, all 7 ccs are used per channel at the cost of a limited resolution of 0-F
  1,2,3,7,10,11,12, //pu2
  1,2,3,7,10,11,12, //wav
  1,2,3,7,10,11,12, //noi
  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, //mGB midi channels (0-15 = 1-16)
  15, //livemap / sync map midi channel (0-15 = 1-16)
  80,1,  //midiout bit check delay & bit check delay multiplier 
  0,0//midiout byte received delay & byte received delay multiplier 
Czech republic
joostoftoday wrote:

Still blinking... the LED 13 in a short periods, six times on and of. I figured out that the bottleneck is the setMode()-Function. When I deleted every single calling of this function in the code and called modeLSDJMasterSyncSetup() in the main loop(), the LEDs stayed in sync in a strange way when I started LSDJ, set it to Master and pressed Start. The LEDs flashed in sync, but without any meaningful order. My next idea would be buying a new push button...

You could always just use a piece of wire to short the connection for breadbord test purposes wink

trash80 wrote:

On arduinoboy > 1.2 you have to set force mode like that, AND alwaysUseDefaultSettings to true if the eeprom was already written to with previous settings.

My bad. Thanks!