Manchester, England

Sabrepulse tweeted about a month ago, so I may be abit late to the party with that in mind, about telling people not to play live with the MC2. That's all he wrote. I recently just got one about 3 days ago, and I'm still in the process of playing with it and figuring it out at home, hoping to use it live. Can anyone tell me, if they know, what the main problem(s) are with it to use it live? Because this is soul crushing, it's pretty much the only reason I bought it. I don't want to have wasted my money.



its fine, just be sure not to send it any midi data other than clock cause it will start to lag.

New York City
herr_prof wrote:

its fine, just be sure not to send it any midi data other than clock cause it will start to lag.

Or crash, sometimes it happened to me.
So yeah, to be safe, just put a nice filter to send it only midi clock (and I had it receiving note data at the same time no probs).

LSDJ^MC2s are fine machines and I used mine for many years until I broke it and didn't want to fix it again. If I would buy one now I'd get an Arduinoboy instead though.

Manchester, England

I was worried about that, the whole age old dilemma of "what's better? MC2 or Arduino." I'm just trying to figure it out really, but it's probably because I'm trying to use my Game Boy with Renoise, and I don't know whether it's my lack of knowledge on the subject of you know basic technology or whether I have to set something up in Renoise. But yeah, thanks. I just needed to know whether it was a major issue because then I'd just sod it and not use it until like I could be arsed you know.