XD this thread has gotten awesome
Well I'm satisfied, probably won't enter because it's not my style but I'm glad you cleared some of those points up. Good luck!
I'll be submitting sometime over the weekend methinks
You shouldn't require money for a competition.
The money is just to fund the prize of the competition!
well, then find something you (or someone else) can donate for the prize... i for one can offer (assuming it still has the sav on it to make it a worthwhile prize) to donate a blip09 LSDJ cart even though i dont even know you or really think the site you have planned is really necessary.. imagine what could be offered up by someone who isn't broke and has talked to you before
sorry, that may be a little harsh, though at the same time my offer is serious if youd like to drop the donation aspect and switch your prize offer
nanoloop isn't a tracker, its a step sequencer
oh, i could also throw in a caper electronics lil' bit lo-fi sampler.. again, thats IF you drop donation requirement...
Im down to drop the donation requirement
ESC email me at [email protected]
no as ESC said, nanoloop wont work, its not a tracker
wait for esc to email me so we can talk about the items for prizes
if we make the sampler lsdj cart official then there will not be a fee!
i'm still trying to figure out where the word "flyer" figures into all this
It means he is gonna take a "flyer" on giving the artists anything for their free/pay to play work.
It seems like people try to make a comparative site every now and then
Last one I know of was http://www.noisechannel.org which has really good intentions and sweet community-based events (releases, uploads, and their streaming e-concert was pretty fucking cool actually) but there's not enough activity there just yet for people to brave the really weird interface at this point I think
I support the idea and the people behind it (Modolith is TRUTH in my book!) but I'm really not down with paying to submit a track
Haven't had time to email, but cart is confirmmed as working, so the paying to enter shouldn't be an issue, though the prize would be different as well