Haha, thanks man, that was really helpfull.
Sadly, I made those tracks on the demoversion so I don't have any save files.
Raw Core is me trying out several kickdrums, so it's just a c5-c6 for pulsekicks/wavekicks, and c-3 for noisekicks every four lines the whole track trough. I'm definitely going to try your idea. C7-C5-C5-C5-C7-C5-C5-C5- is it?
Melodrums is me who just found soundmatrix's trick for easy "breakslicing" and trying it out (https://8bc.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2276). I just gave up after I couldn't sync the melody. So yeah, no potential whatsoever.
Strange that the bass line doesn't match in Dum dum dudum, I just accidentally put the same chain in the wave screen in the beginning. I liked it. It was really silent and sounded strange because it's a pulse instrument in the wave chain. It came out as a sort of a static echo or something. That's very clear at 3:35, that's just a pulse chain in the wave screen. I must have mismatched and put in the wrong pulsechain
Polyryhtmic sequences? You cut me too much slack, it's 4/4 the whole way, and it goes from 140 something to 190 something and back and forth. Polyryhtmic sequences sounds like I knew what I was doing
. I just love how speedcore and industrial hardcore have strong drum lines, interrupted for a sample - kick - kick - kick - kick - sample - kick - kick - kick. So I put in the kick-kick-kick-dum dum dudum-kick-kick-kick.
The clashing keys part I don't get, I made a special effort to keep all my notes in a Major chord. so it went from the notes in a C Major to the notes in a F Major, to the notes in a G Major. I don't recall and don't have the safe file, so I can't look it up; It could be full of flaws considering my 'method'. But do you suggest to sticking in one octave? Or sticking to fewer chords? Or more transitional chords and not only Majors? I don't really get what you mean by clashing keys, sorry.
Tjingeltjangel is a Dutch expression which means something like monkey with a typewriter. All the melodies are created by just hitting random keys. I plan on remaking this one, because of all the positive feedback. I really don't understand why people favourite this one it's just as much random key hitting as the other. But I have documented a little bit of what I did, so it might be possible to remake and edit the song. The lead sets out at 0:50 for a break, but it happens way too abrupt, just like in Black Keys, I really need to figure out how to make the lead 'announce' a break, or fade out. Any pointers on this are welcome.
I'm really happy that Speed Power Up reminded you of Sonic, I found a way of getting a sound that resembles Sonic breaking after a sprint. The lead is that sound in different octaves, and seldom the real sound. At 1:30-1:45 for example.
I'm really catching on with music theory (I didn't have any knowledge one month ago), I'm not stopping with learning it either. Thanks for all the feedback, my environment is too silent and can't provide me any pointers.