Melbourne, AU
XyNo wrote:

and that guy is terrible

this brings us to another question...What is Pause Records ?!

Now THAT is a good question.

nitro2k01 wrote:
XyNo wrote:

Funny thing is...if you are legit Reason surely have paid it waaaay more than a 10$ DMG + LSDJ !

Hehe. I think there's a lot of Reason users who right now refuse to update beyond Reason 5.0, for "unspecified reasons".

Ya gotta love those unspecified reasons...

Spotts wrote:

Really the only difference i think is that people with a DAW go over the top with the effects. The only effects I use are EQ's and a scream 4 distortion unit to make the drums sound nice and chippy. But I don't believe in using delay or anything. It's not chiptune then. Thats just a prefrence though

not gonna lie. most people using a DAW (I'm just going by majority here) don't have much background with audio engineering / production, they just get their cracked copy of fruity loops off the pirate bay cause they want to make "beats".

The engineers who use effects like tools instead of, like, well, effects, can actually produce nice sounds without bashing you over the head with ZOMG REVERBS CHECK IT OUT I LEARNEED 2 SIDECHAN kinda bullshit

D D D Detroit, not the burbs

The secret to being happy is to avoid seeking authenticity from the "scene".  Your asking to be elitist chow.

That being said most of the time i dont even make chip music, when i do its usually on nanoloop.  When i get used to my kronos i might run my midines in it.  Which would still be mostly not chip with a couple of chip sounds on my palette.

And im pretty sure reason can be used as a DAW, i understand its not Steinberg or Sequoia even protools but a "Digital Audio Workstation"  is a digital audio workstation even if you spend most of your time running it rewire style.

East Kilbride, Scotland

I like to make vague judgements and to sound like I'm coming from a position of authority and knowledge by talking in a matter-of-fact like tone.

No-one cares.

Matthew Joseph Payne

Who needs a reason to make chiptunes? Making chiptunes is reason enough in itself.


so wait, did nobody ban this guy for using reason and making chiptunes?


nah, but i guess i can close this right? eh, fuck it