
I think this is a phase that chiptune is going through right now. A lot of new people are listening to chiptune each day and because of how easy and cheap it is to start with a DMG and LSDJ, a lot of these people who would never try actually playing an instrument or composing electronic music start tinkering with their DMG. A thing that most chiptuners that are in the chip scene for a couple of years now don't seem to understand is that most of these newer artists don't want to sit through the hours and hours of tinkering with their software and hardware like they did and at the end only have a short but awesome beat. I remember one of my earlier posts, asking for some LSDJ instruments and most of the responses were: "just figure it out yourself ya stupid idiot" (of course I'm paraphrasing and I don't mean to offend anyone). We want to progress and evolve to a basic framework and then start creating new sounds and experimenting. The building of this basic framework consists of making silly songs with the same instruments and because we have an easy output medium (this site along with others) we just post the worst stuff.

You can compare this to the crappy cover bands. Most bands who want to start writing music, start with covering their favourite bands. It's a perfect excercise and the band members start to get a feel for the rest of the band. After about a year or so of playing some small gigs covering ACDC, they start writing their own songs and after a couple of years they might have become a great jazz band. With this wave of new chiptuners there comes a wave of crappy chiptune covers dubstep and covers of popular chiptune with the same instruments. Maybe this will pass away if chiptune becomes less mainstream again and the waves of crappy chiptunes will stop, or they will keep coming and crappy chiptuners will be up there with today's Adele, Skrillex or Justin Bieber. Maybe the chiptune community used to be one happy family, but now it might be time to start splitting up into chip subgernes so that you can easily find the kind of chip you like. I don't want it this way, because staying in your own subgerne doesn't get you listening to new and experimental music, but it could be the only way out.

Another big problem may be the fact that there really is only one big chiptune program. LSDJ is commonly seen as the best chiptune program. I'm currently searching for a GBC and a good USB cart, but only because it's the cheapest and well documented program. I really like the Genesis, C64 and NES sound more, but there are no tutorials and guides out there and if they are, they are burried under a layer of LSDJ tutorials. Also, I'm starting out with LSDJ because it's a simple tracker that could teach me the basics of tracking that I could use on NTRQ, Famitracker or goattracker and then there is the fact that finding a Gameboy is way easier than finding a C64 or Genesis. Any gameboy from a DMG to a Micro or even your Android phone will run LSDJ while other consoles are less available and with old PC's like the C64 you also have different specifications.

I hope that I, as one of the terrible chiptuners, could have shown you why the problem exists and maybe I have helped you with the "cure" for this wave of chiptune that has risen. Also, if I make blatantly obvious mistakes, I'm sorry

Man, you totally miss the point and also use your own theroie on yourself dude. It dosn't is this overhazzeld big thing thar you are recalling now.
So that's what it is, a simple & cool community!


I never make the same song twice. This is probably why nobody likes my music and why i'm not sabrepulse haha

Heosphoros wrote:

You guys are all fucking losers. Jesus.

metal sucks dicks

SKGB wrote:
Heosphoros wrote:

You guys are all fucking losers. Jesus.

metal sucks dicks

oh ok

9-Heart wrote:

I think this is a phase that chiptune is going through right now. A lot of new people are listening to chiptune each day and because of how easy and cheap it is to start with a DMG and LSDJ, a lot of these people who would never try actually playing an instrument or composing electronic music start tinkering with their DMG. A thing that most chiptuners that are in the chip scene for a couple of years now don't seem to understand is that most of these newer artists don't want to sit through the hours and hours of tinkering with their software and hardware like they did and at the end only have a short but awesome beat. I remember one of my earlier posts, asking for some LSDJ instruments and most of the responses were: "just figure it out yourself ya stupid idiot" (of course I'm paraphrasing and I don't mean to offend anyone). We want to progress and evolve to a basic framework and then start creating new sounds and experimenting. The building of this basic framework consists of making silly songs with the same instruments and because we have an easy output medium (this site along with others) we just post the worst stuff.

You can compare this to the crappy cover bands. Most bands who want to start writing music, start with covering their favourite bands. It's a perfect excercise and the band members start to get a feel for the rest of the band. After about a year or so of playing some small gigs covering ACDC, they start writing their own songs and after a couple of years they might have become a great jazz band. With this wave of new chiptuners there comes a wave of crappy chiptune covers dubstep and covers of popular chiptune with the same instruments. Maybe this will pass away if chiptune becomes less mainstream again and the waves of crappy chiptunes will stop, or they will keep coming and crappy chiptuners will be up there with today's Adele, Skrillex or Justin Bieber. Maybe the chiptune community used to be one happy family, but now it might be time to start splitting up into chip subgernes so that you can easily find the kind of chip you like. I don't want it this way, because staying in your own subgerne doesn't get you listening to new and experimental music, but it could be the only way out.

Another big problem may be the fact that there really is only one big chiptune program. LSDJ is commonly seen as the best chiptune program. I'm currently searching for a GBC and a good USB cart, but only because it's the cheapest and well documented program. I really like the Genesis, C64 and NES sound more, but there are no tutorials and guides out there and if they are, they are burried under a layer of LSDJ tutorials. Also, I'm starting out with LSDJ because it's a simple tracker that could teach me the basics of tracking that I could use on NTRQ, Famitracker or goattracker and then there is the fact that finding a Gameboy is way easier than finding a C64 or Genesis. Any gameboy from a DMG to a Micro or even your Android phone will run LSDJ while other consoles are less available and with old PC's like the C64 you also have different specifications.

I hope that I, as one of the terrible chiptuners, could have shown you why the problem exists and maybe I have helped you with the "cure" for this wave of chiptune that has risen. Also, if I make blatantly obvious mistakes, I'm sorry

Man, you totally miss the point and also use your own theroie on yourself dude. It dosn't is this overhazzeld big thing thar you are recalling now.
So that's what it is, a simple & cool community!


Last edited by Lavar (Mar 25, 2012 10:06 pm)

Spokane, Washington
A Versus B wrote:

all this bullshit going-off-on-a-dubstep-tangent in newer chiptune artists should stop. It is so annoying when you have a song thats cool and danceable but than you just make it really corny by doing stupid dubstep wubs and bass in the middle just for mass-appeal. This happens in every electronic genre nowadays. Like, okay, if you're going to make dubstep, make a new moniker for your dubstep project, or at least make a single song that is solely a dubstep vibe. But it pisses me off when people are playing a set and it sound like something completely not like dubstep, and is more intellegent sounding than dubstep, but than you stop that and do some stupid wubby interlude as if only to scream "Hey guys look, we're in!!".

Stop please.


And the fact that new comers jump straight to lsdj without even knowing what a tracker is or how chiptune is composed, LEARN YOUR SHIT AND FOCUS ON THE MUSIC INSTEAD OF JUMPING STRAIGHT TO A GAMEBOY BECAUSE IT MAKES YOU LOOK COOL!

I've had friends come to me and ask me where they can get gameboy modz so they can make CHIPCHOONES, without even having any experience with music composition whatsoever.

Followers come with every genre of music, like many have said, not everyone can be an innovater, but for many, it does take time to develop your own style. My early stuff was just stupid bleeps and bloops with wannabe breakcore, because thats what was cool at the time. And i think i can safely say that i have come a long way.
I will never get tired of chiptune.

Heosphoros wrote:
defiantsystems wrote:

Not particularly.

Then shut the fuck up

The Kraken. Unleash it.

disassembler wrote:

P.P.S. If you're gonna reply, please try to be civil. I don't want this thread getting closed because you wanna act like you're on 8bc!


buffalo, NY

I'm doing a nullsleep cover album.  With guitar solos

danimal cannon wrote:

I'm doing a nullsleep cover album.  With guitar solos


Philly, PA, USA

I was gonna say something mean to all of you and then i realized it wasn't constructive
but basically:

shut up and make music how you want to make music. who cares how anyone else makes music. the problem i have with chip music is this incestuous fuckfest that happens online where everyone high fives each other about coming to an agreement about how something "should be done." get off each other's dicks and go back to doing whatever it is you do.

New York City
Lavar wrote:

the fact that there really is only one big chiptune program.

Cambridge UK

stfu d...
oh wait.

Melbourne, Australia
disassembler wrote:

P.P.S. If you're gonna reply, please try to be civil. I don't want this thread getting closed because you wanna act like you're on 8bc!

Don't worry, people who refuse to abide by the forum rules will be banned. No need to let a few bad apples spoil the batch.

therules wrote:

02. While we understand that heated debates may sometime occur, but we will not condone nor allow any type of harassment nor intimidation.

Involved parties can take this as a first and final warning. Play nice kids.

Cambridge UK
Bit Shifter wrote:

I'm sick of chipmusic because... wait, I'm not, it's all pretty cool actually.

If you only have nice things to say then don't say anything.

Last edited by George (Mar 25, 2012 10:25 pm)

Bit Shifter wrote:

I'm sick of chipmusic because... wait, I'm not, it's all pretty cool actually.
