Timbob wrote:I don't see why people have a problem with threads like this. The colour of your gameboy might not be as important to you as the third light on your arduinoboy blinking, but to each his own, right?
Everybody has a different interest within the chipscene, and isn't that what makes it interesting?
If showing the colour of you're gameboy
isn't interesting to you, that's ok. Just join a conversation in another thread. Just keep things positive.
ooooo goodie. mines a nice blue. the first 2 are red. the fourth one is blue too ! and the last one is clear.
my gameboy is golden because it is a gameboy light. this means it has a built in real screen that lights up
lsdj operates 71percent more optimums on a GBlight incase you guise did not know that.
i bought mine from hong kong. i also bought 6 golden coins too. what a great game
i plays on the plane back to home and was smiling the whole way hearing those coins collect clink clink clink
my gameboy has a scratch on the bottom of the battery cover now though so dont be jealous
it aso has a start button that doesnt work anymore which makes me unable to lsdjs
but even though i can lsdjs its still good because of the 71 percentage of improves over the dots matrix normal gameboy
all in all im very happy with the colour of my nintendo chiptune devices and thats really all that matter. if you loves all colours everyone is free.
one love