After 4 years since my debut, I finally take some songs and released a short 11min but BOLD EP.
Hope you guys like it! … -universes


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

You're welcome! I'm happy that you liked my release!


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Also, if you want to hear little excerpts of every song in the album, you can find your favorite song listening this little album preview I've made and posted on SoundCloud.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

My debut album has finally released after almost 2 years of life and music experience, Moonstone is a hot caldron of everything I felt and met during my teenage, transmitted and translated into a twelve-track nostalgic album, it has influences on Indie, EDM and Synthpop music and, of course, 8bit music! It is available for free download by now!

Listen & Download

If you have a SoundCloud account, you can follow me clicking here and I'll follow back immediatly!
If you like Moonstone, please, don't forget to like Exoplax's Facebook page for news of upcoming releases!

I hope you guys like it! heart


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

I'm producing my debut album, it will be called Moonstone and it will be released in August 29, 2014, I have already uploaded four songs from the album which can be found in my SoundCloud page, here is the links:

Swim To The Surface
An Orchestral Version of Universe

Also, I'm open to contribute to any project (Compilations, Tributes, Soundtracks, etc.), if someone needs any help I would love to help! You can send me a PM here or in my SoundCloud and I'll answer as fast as I can!