(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

rumpelfilter wrote:

I can confirm that MIDI sync works using a standard arduinoboy set to LSDJ slave mode. You have to find the correct overflow timer increment to match your beat. I found that multiples of 12 produce arpeggios in sync with the beat pulses, but of course fun stuff can be done by using uneven ratios.

Hey good testing. smile Cheers. Yes a midi clock is much slower than the internal clock. The internal interrupt is clocked at 4096Hz and a midi clock at 24 ticks per beat. Setting it to 12 should be playing at double speed, I think anyway.

rumpelfilter wrote:

The only issue I have so far is that,while chord goes along well with the incoming sync, it will aways be a bit shifted. Even if you try hard pressing the buttons when you hear a beat, it will always be a bit off. I think chord should reset to the sync signal from time to time to keep everything "in grid".

Good point. Chord has only been reseting the timer on changing the tempo. I have uploaded a new build that restarts the timer on the first note, if the left button timer is zero. I didn't bother to bump the version number though. And I will do some thinking on how to best reset the timer during playing...

rumpelfilter wrote:

Also I noticed that sometimes it works nicely with the sync and sometimes it goes in "Steve Reich Mode" i.e. it will slowly shift out  of phase, even with the correct settings, can't say why but will test further.

Hmm, I have double checked the code and I can't see anything that would cause this behaviour. My guess is that arduino boy struggles to keep up with the tempo you are playing at. What you could try is halving the tempo and change the overflow buffer to compensate. But I am not sure, it might not be the problem.

Cheers again for the feedback. smile



(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Domu wrote:

ah okay, I have no way of actually loading the sync routine to the arduinoboy (no ftdi cable, i didnt build the box myself)
I have no idea whether the atmega chip of a duinoboy would even take teensy code, Il have to build a teensy sync box if not!

Hey. Looking at the arduinoboy code I am guessing there is a switch that allows you to change the mode it runs in. Try setting it to LSDJ slave sync mode. To me that looks like it would work. Also remember to set the external sync switch in chord. It is by the arpeggio tempo settings.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

rumpelfilter wrote:

Cool Erik! So did you just change the sync stuff or what else is new?

Yes just adding optional external sync this time and a moustache for Movember. If you click the little plus above the download button you get a list of the changes, another one of my brilliant website design features. smile

I will look into triggering notes too at some point soon. And cheers for the help @Domu.



Just to give an update on the sync development. I have uploaded a new build and put some instructions and teensy software on the website, same link as before http://www.humbletune.com/chord/. The big question is, will it work with arduino boy and other types of syncing. I think it possibly will but I have not tested it.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch wrote:

ok, right on, i might PM you or email or something and discuss this further smile  but will do some experimenting first

Awesome, I like where this is going. Also, if needed it might be possible to do some software tweaks. I bought my ems cart from kitsch bent btw, excellent shop. smile

@bitDad I guess saving is not essential. It might be nice to save different chord progressions though for different songs if you need to access them quickly and don't have the time to edit them in again.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I love my spelling in that last post. My head is not with me on this dark friday afternoon.

kitsch wrote:

how big is the save file, btw?

The rom itself is 32 kb. Then chord saves straight into ram, not using that much memory I think, it's addressing less than mbc1 range. I know that much. This needs some investigation.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

8bitDAD wrote:

Hey all! I sold my extra cartridge a couple years ago, but u really want to play with this! Don't want to spend the full 40 bucks on an ems64 cart.. can anyone advise if this rom runs on the cheaper prom carts on kitch-bent?

Good questing, I have not tried that. From what I understand though eprom is erasable read only memory, which should mean that the save function in chord will not work. Other benefits with a usb one, is that it is simpler to update if I add  features or fix one of my mistakes. But if chord is worth $40 dollars is debatable, Maybe try it in an emulator first to get a feel for it and see if you like it. smile

And cheers @John Riselvato for the kind words. smile



(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

metatronaut wrote:

LOVING IT! I'm thinking of using this for a live performance with my GBSP for sure!!!

Cheers. smile That makes me happy. Please share if you film it or record anything.


I just though I would post about my progress and findings this weekend on the external sync for chord. I realise many people might already have the arduinoboy but I decided to look at using teensy arduino. I think possibly the arduinoboy might still work but I am not sure.

For me though teensy is a very nice solution as it works as a usb midi device. All you need is a teensy 2.0 ($16) and a gameboy link cable. I will supply the software needed to run on teensy and I will also write a description on what you need for it to run.

Here is a little test I ran this weekend, running minibus on an iPad as clock and sinusoid providing the drums:

I will be a bit busy this week I think but hopefully I can get a new build and the teensy code out sometime next week if someone is interested. As a first step it will only do midi clock syncing, but at a later day I will possible also look at triggering notes.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Domu wrote:

oh man, il bet your Chris guy went to my school. Chris... Illingworth? I forget, but am sure I heard of Gogo penguin down at Dean Clough in Halifax where im sure they played. (and where i work putting up, taking down and helping curate the art exhibitions)

That is the very same Chris. smile Excellent. They are the best band ever, but I am probably biased. I have definitely heard him speak about Dean Clough, so you have probably seen them there.. Small world. And it sounds like a good job.

And thanks for the Scienceguy tip. Will do some investigation.




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Domu wrote:

I could lend you mine if you would like / it would help... are you based in UK or Sweden currently?

*Good lord...... Wash is amazing. Hoping you win the mercury prize!

You are right, Wash is amazing. I wish I could take credit for it. I am not in Gogo Penguin but they are good friends of mine. Chris the pianist is actually from Halifax too.

That is very kind of you. I am quite close to you, I live in manchester. I will have a closer look this weekend I think at building one of my own. It shouldn't be impossible right?! smile Where did you get yours?




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Domu wrote:

ahaha and if you want to add me into the credits under the title; "non-influence" then you'll make my year tongue

I am sure that can be aranged. I should add credits to concrete dog for beta testing also. About the midi part it is definitely something I want to do but I haven't figured out how to get my hands on one of those arduino boys yet, in the easiest way. Hopefully I will soon though.

Thank you very much for the kind words. smile


Domu wrote:

so someone actually invented my idea? Cool!  http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/7082/ … ea-bounty/

Haha. smile That is pretty cool I must say. I guess we invented the same thing in a way. You even called it chord. Honestly I have never seen your thread before and it can't be subliminal, because I first came here after I made chord. I just wanted to make something you play rather than program. smile




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

OmO wrote:
Mrwimmer wrote:

It would be *REALLY* cool to have some arduinoboy implementation to slave the arp speed to a midi clock :3  Or lsdj/nanoloop for that matter.

Let's not get over excited here. smile Medium cool maybe. No but seriuosly this is something I have been thinking about. When I started the project my first thought was to build my own arduino midi interface, but then I realised some people had already done it. Now I am kind of hoping that nanoloop Oliver will get his midi interfaces back in stock. Otherwise I might have to look into building an arduino boy. Once I have that I am hoping it will not be too difficult to reverse engineer the protocol it is using.

I do have some experience with midi in the ios and android world, so I am thinking it should not be impossible. Definitely something to look into. smile




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sesska wrote:

beer(s) and chord fun \o/

sounds fairly good for a rainy monday evening.

Sounds pretty darn good to me on a grey october monday. smile




(119 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sesska wrote:

*sorry just realised that I did not scrolled down enough *doh!²*

i'm just simply going to make a paper ball out of myself and jump into the wastebasket*

No worries man. You are not the first one struggling with the website in this thread. Let's just put it down to bad design, you have some space for me in that basket? Glad you found it eventually. smile

