Update: I've got a basic scripter setup for built in MidiNES functions. Some nice extras: options to "hold" certain features (like fine pitch bend and mod hack on) so they get retriggered with every new note rather than applying only to the currently playing note.
I'm working on building in oscillators (sine, triangle/saw, pulse (with duty)) to adjust certain parameters (especially pitchbend for nice vibrato) that can hopefully be mixed/averaged to get interesting wave forms. I'm learning to think in bits, which is fun.
Some kinks I need to work out: how to smoothly adjust rate of vibrato (without it sounding choppy)? I think I can solve this by calculating and saving the position along one cycle of the oscillation and applying a phase adjustment when changing vibrato speed (cycle length) so that the adjusted cycle picks up at the same amplitude where the old one left off? Let me know if anyone has a better idea for this!