(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh and IceWolf, were you pressing B or playing the sequence? Sometimes the preview with B sounds a bit off from the pitch you really want to hear it at.


(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

IceWolf wrote:

The only thing I can't get working from that tutorial site is the vocal synthesis, no sound comes out following that...

Really? That's odd, because I basically reverse engineered the vocal patch used in the "disco" demo and I had no problem hearing it. Can you send screenshots, I'd really like to look at it.


(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I just realized PULSELOOPER already linked my site earlier in this thread, but with a .co.uk address. It works either way, but I only wish I was in the UK. I get the feeling that synths are cheaper and more widely appreciated over there. I have yet to spotpass anyone with DSN over here.


(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Also, if there was an official version of LSDJ in the 3DS eShop, I would lose my mind with happiness. Even if all it added was the ability to save and load. I'm sure that's been said on many threads on this forum.


(46 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hi, I'm new to this forum, but I've messed about with DS-10, LSDJ, and nanoloop for years. I am writing a tutorial series for DSN-12 with a few chapters focusing on replicating some of the things we can do in LSDJ (vocals, drum sounds, NES arpeggios). Let me know what you think, it is written with a beginner audience in mind, and I would like some feedback on things I should be corrected on. It is http://DSN12tutorial.blogspot.com