haha, oops. Here it is! https://florianolsson.bandcamp.com/
17 Jan 6, 2015 5:10 pm
Re: CC please, thoughts about first ep (8 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
18 Jan 6, 2015 5:09 pm
Topic: CC please, thoughts about first ep (8 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
Hey there!
recently posted this in the ''releases'' tab, hope you wont get mad at me for also posting it here. I am looking for some feedback.
IMO I think I'm pretty focused on what type of sound I've been going for, but there is still some stuff that isn't as clear. The main problem have been the mastering, but I'm worried I've might have missed stuff since I haven't tried listening to it in mono, inside car etc.. I would love to know how you experience the sound and if there is something you feel needs improving.
Other than that I'll gladly take feedback about how the music itself, did it feel natural in its ''construction'', was it too repetitive? Anything is good to know!
Also, first time doing artwork for myself, does it look good? I love hexagons.
TY for the help!
EDIT: Here's the link https://florianolsson.bandcamp.com/
19 Jan 6, 2015 5:03 pm
Topic: Tabelras - First EP released! (4 replies, posted in Releases)
My first EP is now released, calling it ''Tabelras''.
Was going for a ''chipzel-sound'' and got hexagons in my artwork. Can't go wrong right? Hopefully you'll like it. Please tell if you do, want some feedback so I can improve.
Did I mention it's free?
Also new to this forum, looking forward being around here while working on my upcoming stuff, maybe I'll try to get some collabs going.
Anyway, thanks for checking it out!
20 Jan 6, 2015 4:34 pm
Re: Welcome to CM.O! (Introduction Thread) (676 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Been doing chiptune related stuff for a while now, but just joined this forum. Hope it'll be fun.
Got some tunes over here https://soundcloud.com/florianolsson more to come, very soon.