I've create the topic (with binaries for pocketchip) there: https://bbs.nextthing.co/t/picoloop-mus tchip/9131
A few remarks:
- I've increased the window size so it will fill the screen. There is no side effect it seems. (see my pull request)
- the main interface is a bit tiny but I don't think it'll be easy to modify this. It's quite OK though.
- what is more problematic are the tiny fonts, for the notes. With blue fonts on blue background, it's not easily readable. On a desktop PC with LCD screen it's not a problem. But still, it's still possible to read it (if you find the right screen angle)
- when I change a value (like mac engine, notes and such), the keypress repeat is quite too fast, so it's a bit difficult to select an option without trying several times. When modifying attack and such, it's ok. I have the same behavior on desktop pc.
- I couldn't get OPL2 to work, but I think I didn't choose the right settings. I've managed on the desktop, I'll try to save a bank this way and try it one the pocket chip
- with the new midi sync and such, there are some new dependencies (not in the docs):
on debian/buntu/mint etc:
apt-get install libjack-dev
apt-get libsdl-image1.2-dev
- You should add the tuto for compiling on raspberry pi (and now on pocketchip), in the readme. I wasn't aware the code was raspberry pi friendly. Or at least tell people to check for they plateform in the makefiles and adapt the compilation.
So for me:
make -f Makefile.RtAudio_pocketchip clean
make -f Makefile.RtMidi_pocketchip clean
make -f Makefile.PatternPlayer_pocketchip_RtAudio clean
make -f Makefile.RtAudio_pocketchip
make -f Makefile.RtMidi_pocketchip
make -f Makefile.PatternPlayer_pocketchip_RtAudio
I don't have any psp or dingoo, so I can't tell about the sound. At the moment I'm only using a shitty headphone so I can't tell either. If I manage to make something cool, I'll make a recording. By "clean", I mean the CHIP's CPU is enough for getting music without any cut in the sound. The CPU load is quite low (below 1 with the top command)
I have some midi device, but I don't use them for sync, you mean I can play some music and start a picoloop sequence whenever I want?
For the CHIP, there are two flavors, one with the screen, and one you can connect on your TV. Obviously the screen will be too small for the later. Would it be possible to change the screen size on the fly? (like some SDL program can do, for example MilkyTracker or SchismTracker can go full screen)
Merci et à bientôt