Hello! I'm new to the forums here so first I would like to say that I'm looking forward to interacting with everyone here in the forums 
Okay down to business! I am trying to do two things, though the second depends on how I go about the first. The first of my issues is that I'm looking for a DAW that works relatively simply on my iPhone and iPad that I can use while I'm at work to create chipmusic (obviously). I searched for a similar topic but I didn't see one that looked like what I was trying to do so I figured I could make a new topic for it. I hope I'm posting in the right section also.
What I'm looking for is a program where I can preset sounds or synths and manually place notes without having to play them. I'm used to FL Studio and what I do in there is just click and drag my notes into place since I'm not skilled enough to actually play the music with a midi instrument. As I said I'm looking to do this in iPhone. I want to be able to create an entire song on my iPhone and export it to MP3/FLAC without needing additional software.
The second part of my dilemma is that I want to be able to take what I've created on my phone and export/import/transfer etc. those files onto my windows computer and continue to work on them at home, and vice versa if I want to take a song to work. I've been looking at the FL Studio mobile app and I'm considering that for my DAW but that creates a few more issues. I don't know if the mobile app lets you use custom synths/sound packs, and as well I haven't been able to actually emulate chipmusic in FL Studio. Instead I have been trying to learn about waveforms and attempting to recreate the sounds from SNES and genesis consoles but it just doesn't sound the same. But this is a topic for a different post, though I wanted to make it known in case this would help send me somewhere else in the right direction.
Anyway that's my dilemma. I want to make music on my iPhone regardless and I'm probably going to get FL Studio mobile even if I can't use it for chipmusic. But I would like to know if anyone on here has found any good chipmusic apps that do what I'm describing. Also as a note, I don't know how to use physical racks and whatnot. I don't understand how to set up any hardware and so an app that uses hardware or emulates hardware and requires me to know how to set up connections like in reason I will be so lost (I don't even know the names of that stuff >.<).
One last thing is I'm posting on my iPhone so I'm sorry if there's any weird words or something. My phone likes to auto correct what I've written several words after I've written them so I don't notice.
Thank you all in advance!