I managed to find a 100 ohm resistor and while the backlight is hardly any dimmer, it actually solved the problem. I am still planning on getting the higher values recommended as well as I think a much dimmer brightness level will actually be more convenient and smooth it out further, in instances where the batteries aren't fresh. I then had some flickering problems but quickly realised I'd just soldered it poorly. A lot of screwing and un-screwing was involved. Thank you very much for all of your responses.
2 Dec 10, 2015 3:10 pm
Re: MGB contrast issue (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I'm going to try this! Thank you very much for your help.
3 Dec 10, 2015 2:37 pm
Re: MGB contrast issue (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I also tend to go with a pretty strong resistor to keep power usage to a minimum. People who like backlights on the brightest setting are usually going to be frustrated with pockets.
Excuse my lack of expertise, but what particular type of resistor would this be? :>
4 Dec 10, 2015 1:58 pm
Re: MGB contrast issue (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
This is a problem with the MGB's power source. It is less powerful than a DMG and droops with heavy CPU useage. Do you have an EMS64 cart?
You can try an AC adapter over batteries and this should help. If I remember correctly, there was also a Series to parallel mod for the MGB that essentially increased the Current source, but lowered the voltage. I think it lessened the lifespan of the batteries but increased the performance while they 'did' last.The problem is present on DMG as well, but mush less noticeable due to the two extra batteries.
This clears things up a lot, thank you! I have an AC adaptor for DMGs - just bought one for the MGB/CGB in the hopes that it'll do something about the problem.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to install any further mods to help the problem as I'm very inexperienced but I'll look into it. Worth it as I really like using the Pocket system. Thanks again.
5 Dec 10, 2015 11:50 am
Topic: MGB contrast issue (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
This is a long shot, but I can't seem to find anything elsewhere online about this specifically as an issue.
I have a contrast problem with my backlit MGB. When I use it, the contrast consistently fluctuates without me touching the slider. It seems to sometimes be triggered by pressing the A and B buttons, and sometimes it isn't, and instead gets triggered by sounds or changes on the screen.
Furthermore, the contrast gradually gets brighter as it's used, rendering it completely unusable after half an hour of playing with it.
After I turn the system off, it resets to a normal contrast level after a while, but when I turn it back on it immediately starts up with the same issue.
From what I've found online (though my search only found various DMG contrast problems) I should attempt to clean the wheel and general surrounding area. I'll try that ASAP but wanted to make a post detailing the problem to see if anyone knew of any particular causes that might have come to mind beforehand.
Thanks in advance!
6 Jun 8, 2015 1:14 pm
Re: Post your gig/home setup! (1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)
W4LKR wrote:Dude, how rich are you!?
You sir, live in heaven.lol not very. actually quite the opposite. Everything that I buy i get second hand from small used music shops in small towns that don't know what to do with this type of gear (the gear just sits there and they keep lowering the prices until someone picks them up) and carefully hunted internet auctions. Buying face to face also helps with eliminating shipping fees. With a little patience and a lot of self control you can get some great deals still. All of this stuff is just built up over several years. I used to buy used gear from thrift shops and sell them for cash as well to pick up extra $ or trade in for new gear. The 909 and 808 are borrowed sometimes from my band mates. We share equipment a lot.
It's all about waiting, watching, traveling, and careful curation.
Tightening that belt and saving doesnt hurt too
oh wow, i wish i had your level of patience
7 Jun 8, 2015 11:03 am
Re: what is your favorite chipmusic album name? (46 replies, posted in General Discussion)
8 Jun 7, 2015 2:15 pm
Re: Welcome to CM.O! (Introduction Thread) (676 replies, posted in General Discussion)
hello, i'm UFO/miki! i've been making terrible 8bit music since 2011. i'm now trying to be more active in actual chiptune communities and invest more time into what i make.
i also occasionally make pixel art and i like JRPGs and rhythm games, particularly DDR/ITG.
i'm very pleased to make everyone's acquaintance!