(8 replies, posted in Past Events)


catskull wrote:

If I were you, I'd just pick up a copy of Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen and call it a day.

best advice I've heard to date.

Do what you want man. There's no OFFICIAL OMFG TRADEMARK SEGA GAMEBOY tracker.

Choose whatever sounds and format you like the best. You can run a lot of stuff on EZ Flash (to my knowledge)

I learned how to start chiptune by just making shit and looking at other people's saves, but tutorials work good as well. Just keep making music and you will get better each time.

Panda Chan wrote:

You could always just plug some headphones into the Gameboy, that silences the speaker, but the prosound mod still works fine. Alternatively, you can use a pre-pot prosound, and then have your volume all the way down, which will silence the speaker, but not affect the prosound.

I could do pre-pot but then I can't really change the volume and that's pretty sus imho

Jazzmarazz wrote:

You will need a switched jack rather than the typical unswitched stereo jack.
According to the schematics here, when the 3.5mm jack is inserted, a pin on the speaker amp is grounded (or disconnected, I can't tell which)

You know that 4-wire ribbon cable that goes to the head phone jack? That includes Left Audio, right audio, ground and the switch. The white cable is the switch. Find out if it is grounded or disconnected when a jack is inserted and then we can talk about jacks.

I found a video talking about this...

I think I just gotta snip the left/right wires and solder in new ones going to the post-well l/r points

Ninten Kwon Do wrote:

I don't understand why you'd want this?

So that I don't annoy people on a commute tongue

Hey all!

So I have a bit of a modding question before I venture down the road of doing mods for other people...

I want to install prosound mods, but from personal experience, they don't switch the signal strictly to the jack. Instead, the speaker continues to produce sound (albeit very quiet).

Is there a way to wire a prosound mod in such a way that it will switch completely like the stock audio jack?


Any gameplay demos/screenshots/videos/etc...? I see some spritesheets but nothing in terms of content.

Typically people don't volunteer for game development unless there's a proof of concept or some sort of non-monetary compensation At least from what I've experienced.

Holy shit I'm glad this thread came around, looks fucking amazing!

Have you considered crowd-funding (if you even need funds)? I'm sure people would back it in a heartbeat!

The One Electronic wrote:


catskull wrote:

Do the lines like flicker, almost like scanlines or something? I backlit my GBA and I get that. There's a pot on the board you can adjust to help it, but mine doesn't seem to do anything.

I've heard that could be an issue and that's exactly what's going on. I'll try doing that later today when I do my mass repairing session.

NightRaven wrote:

Maybe these are two different issues? Worn volume wheel and loose screen ribbon cable? Just a wild guess. Upload some pictures here if you can, someone might be able to help you more.

I'll order a new one from kitschbent later today, maybe see if a capacitor is out or if some of the flux is worn down (highly doubt it though).

I'll try the wheelwell and if that doesn't work then I'll upload pics.

katsumbhong wrote:

Get a refund.

That won't fix my issue. I want to fix it, not return it.

Bump. Really don't wanna lose this thing.

Hey all!

So I recently got a modded GBA with an AGS101 screen installed.

Upon receiving it, I've been getting really bad audio issues. The volume seems to change on its own without me touching the wheel, and if I do touch it, it produces either static, lower volume, or extremely loud volume on what's playing.

Just recently, the screen has been getting these strange darker lines, not dead pixels, just not as bright. On top of this, the color red has a hard time showing up.

What fucked my shit up this time?



(31 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Slowly dying


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Timbob wrote:

if form is important, build an SP into a DMG shell.

I'd like to keep my sanity thanks tongue