Jazzmarazz wrote:
nanode wrote:

So I just need to solder the capacitors to the L/R of the audio jack and keep the wires that I have soldered to post pot where they are?

Audio jack? No. The new caps need to replace two of the original surface mounted caps. Your audio jack just connects directly to the pot.

Ok, so I just desolder those two caps like I did with EM2/EM3 and just solder the 47uF's in their place?

Sorry for my constant questions haha

Jazzmarazz wrote:
nanode wrote:

Shit just did some research and it's pre pot. Any way to get it to work with post pot?

Yeah. The only difference between pre- and post-pot are which side of the pot you solder to. The rest of the circuit remains unchanged.

So I just need to solder the capacitors to the L/R of the audio jack and keep the wires that I have soldered to post pot where they are?

Shit just did some research and it's pre pot. Any way to get it to work with post pot?

n00bstar wrote:

Here we go again...

Also yeah, this.

I mean I'm proud of my work but conceited is taking it a bit far hmm

I think they're confusing being proud of making one's work with being a narcissistic asshole or an elitist. Liking your music is something that you NEED when making it. My mantra from when I started was to create music I would listen to, mostly because I just wanted some more chiptune in my life, but to also expand upon what others have done and maybe bring some new stuff to the table.

With that said though, there is no denying that there is an "elitist" culture within the scene which I'm sure we've all seen by now, but that has more to do with the medium in which you create chip than content of someone's music.

Chiptune is an amalgamation of many different people, social backgrounds, and styles. It is a scene with all the ups and downs associated with being one. Sure there will be a few people here and there that may feel like they're "100% GRADE A USDA APPROVED BEST CHIPTUNE 2K16!!!11!1!!!1" and that everyone else can go suck a big one, but for the most part, our community is a pretty welcoming and supporting one.

So no, I don't think the majority of us are conceited.

Jazzmarazz wrote:

No diff. Continue on with your mod.

So do I desolder both points (the post-pot and 2/3 for the jack) and just add the capacitors to where 2 and 3 are on the back of the board? Will I be able to control the volume level with the wheel this way? Or is this pre pot?

Or can I just add the capacitors to 2 and 3 and call it a day?

Knife Crimes wrote:

If this doesn't make sense, maybe post a pic of what mod you've already done.

Yeah I'm afraid idk.

Here's pics of what I got going on. Purple wires are the only ones you really need to pay attention to.

Hey all!

So I recently modded my GBC, and while I'm very happy with the results, I'd like to add a bit more umph to the low end.

I saw this: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/7723/gbc-bass-mod/

Although the issue I have with this is that the tutorial availible only uses external jacks, while I have an internal prosound mod that runs through the original headphone jack.

How can I do the bass mod with the internal prosound? I'd imagine it would only require wiring the capacitor(s) to the appropriate audio out on the back of the board, but I'm lost as to if that's the case or not...

Any input or help would be greatly appreciated.



Turns out the HHL frontlight needs to be soldered to different points. Did that and it works flawlessly.

egr wrote:

Try disconnecting and reconnecting the ribbon cable from the board. Also check the bottom wire on your frontlight power connection, it looks like you may be bridging two points.

I don't think the bottom one is bridged but I will de/resolder that point.

I did have a bit of trouble plugging in the ribbon cable now that you mention it, but it doesn't explain why the LED is so dim.

Hey all!

So I'm modding my own GBC with internal prosound and LOCA frontlight and I've run into a major issue. The gameboy won't boot, but not in the traditional sense. Regardless of there being a cart or not, the screen will turn on and nothing will show. There's also no sound coming from the speaker. I've tried several batteries to see if the initial ones were defective or dead but to no avail.

Here are some pictures of the places I have touched/modified

I tested the system before modding anything at it worked just fine.

Any help in figuring out what's going on here would be greatly appreciated.


PS: Yes I removed EM2 and EM3 for the prosound mod. This shouldn't affect the audio coming from the speaker though, as it (to my knowledge) only bridges the signal from the pot to the left and right channels for the audio jack.

MaxDolensky wrote:

It is actually that simple. Calculate what all you can run off of 5V, wire it up in the case. Add a resistor if the math calls for it. 5V on one side, ground on the other.

Gotcha. Also found a nice pinout:
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0689/ … 1455042687

Hey all!

So I'm about to do a mod that I've been planning for a while, though Thursday Customs doesn't seem to have RGB LED's in stock for buttons.

I was wondering if anybody has had any luck finding a way to add RGB LED's without the above mentioned method, and how you'd go about executing it. I'd imagine it would only take finding ground and pos/neg points on the front board.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.



(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

For those of you (nobody) wondering my stance, I'm in it as a learning experience. After I reach a point I feel comfortable with my music and style of writing, I plan on moving on from chiptune. Not to say I won't be active, but that I won't be making as much chipmusic.

I found that limiting myself has worked so very well when trying to learn about sound design, and introducing yourself to a HUGE complex system or DAW like Ableton can be extremely difficult and challenging. Hopefully that won't be the case after a few more releases.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

XyNo wrote:

Surely because chiptune is the mix of the 2 things in life that avoided myself to commit suicide !

0 to 100 REAL QUICK

Huh, might give it a whirl!