You guys might enjoy these.
I really like messing around with music visualizations and motion gifs in general. Most of these are reactive to sound in some way. The way they are constructed is very straightforward raster processing, so they get this retro look about them that I really like.
Hover over for names.
Enjoy smile

I post these on my site whenever I make them. Hope you guys enjoy!

hey everyone smile I'm mint from australia. I'm more of a huge fan than a producer myself, although i did try once or twice (and i'll probably keep trying).

In fact, I'm really into design and VJ and demoscene, I make stuff like this and this. I get the impression there's some overlap between all these cultures and 8bit.
I spend a lot of my free time messing around with design, making these visualizations; I also started a channel just for fun, as it combines some of these interests. I like to put chip songs on there that appeal to me, particularly if they're kind of unusual (eg Within). To that end, I'm trying to get myself more involved in the community at the moment, so hello smile I'd like to meet you!