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Apeshit wrote:microt wrote:I also put those foam pieces back behind the light panel -- the bottom left corner is better, but it still seems like there's an uneven amount of pressure there. When the screen is off, that area is pinkish.
you should take those out, you're just adding excessive unnecessary pressure.
Yeah, I don't know what my thought process was there. I removed them last night and loosened the screws holding the board a bit--everything looks good now!
LOL. Yeah, lessons learned. It's all fun though 
I also put those foam pieces back behind the light panel -- the bottom left corner is better, but it still seems like there's an uneven amount of pressure there. When the screen is off, that area is pinkish.
But this is coming from someone who just disassembled like 10 times tonight to remove single dust particles...
I recently purchased a used DMG and was surprised the previous owner included an asm backlight panel. I'm brand new to this.
I just installed it using the tutorial here:
The bottom left of the screen is blinding as you can see by this picture. The contrast is also pretty bad and uneven:
Is this just the nature of these cheap panels? Or is it a pressure thing from screwing the circuit board to the case? I'm worried I might have damaged the positive contact on the panel when soldering.
I just realized I didn't have the polarization film oriented correctly. I had it inverted:

Maybe this will help
Yep, I'm an idiot. Nothing to see here folks...
Thinking about buying an original Gameboy, and I don't have much experience with them. The seller says you have to "push the buttons a few extra times to make the game start"-- does this sound like a common problem? Apparently the cart is functional, but should I ask any specific questions?
I know this isn't a major investment, but I don't want to miss any glaring issues.
Posts found: 4 / Forums / Posts by microt