i'm running 5.9.8 PlayerPro on macOS 9.0.4
and it says
There is not enough memory to open
"PlayerPRO" (zero K needed, 488,677 K
Closing windows or quitting desk accessories can make more memory available.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by esaruoho
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i'm running 5.9.8 PlayerPro on macOS 9.0.4
and it says
There is not enough memory to open
"PlayerPRO" (zero K needed, 488,677 K
Closing windows or quitting desk accessories can make more memory available.
got mine working , and loading .mods in OS 9 using sheepsaver(mac emu) on my macbook OS X high sierra! PM me if you need help.
I went and PM/Emailed you! Fingers crossed! Really need to see the features in this to see which ones i can script into Renoise.
dunno why the post was posted twice. so edited one out.
don't worry chip team im still gay 4 trackers!
been using LSDj & renoise, DefMon(c64), and player pro tracker(mac os 9) and protracker 2.3(amiga)glad to get a heated debate going tho .... show me your RAGE!
can you provide screenshots of PlayerPro please? esp the context menu ( right mouse button ) mouse menus of pattern editor?
anything would help. i'm trying to see if i can script some features into Renoise.
i've never used osx and i didn't write the instructions, so no idea how involved that is, or whether it even works.
actually, i know a couple people have definitely had success building on osx from this repo. but i'm no osx user either
it would be great if we had someone we could rely on for osx builds, because i think all our developers (org members or otherwise) either run windows or linux.
if you taught me how to do the build, i could build it on my osx.
Did you install Hombrew and typed "brew install sdl"?
Nope, because the name of the file was:
we don't have anyone with a mac to do builds for our new versions, so any osx user who feels capable of running some build scripts every now and then, hit us up
I have some sort of OSX machine and I'm an OSX user. What do I need to do? I do have homebrew installed, if that helps.
Hey guys, if anyone wants I have the latest Windows and OS X builds:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/240 -32bit.zip
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/240 -64bit.zip
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/240 -10.11.zipAlso if anyone has problems with sending MIDI clock I also managed to make it work
Thanks heaps. I can't grok github enough to be able to figure out how to build an OSX version.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by esaruoho