rumpel actually no! big_smile
Nitro being the beast that he is, modded the rom (straight in assembly from the rom in bgb because why the hell not) to work with arduinoboy and/or the nanoloop midi usb adapter! So I'll wager my Teensyboy should do the trick as well smile

I'm so eager to try this out.
Just imagine a live setup with a keyboard and modwheel assigned to shift through wave patterns *_* endless possibilities!

Hey guys Pain Perdu here looking for cool new exciting ways to spice up our live set.

I was very interested in solutions like Trash80's mGB, and i'm likely to fiddle with an LSDJ keyboard in the near future but Jamatar brought something completely new to my attention, I had never heard of it before.

@Nitro2k01 has made a gbc rom called Pushpin which, according to the doc on his Github, allows to control every possible sound parameter of the GB soundchip via midi.

I come from a very table-heavy, fast-tick LSDJ background when it comes to sound design and while I really admire how optimized mGB is for live use, I was still looking for deeper control options, which I think Pushpin can provide.

According to the documentation, you can even control WAV channel wave patterns, and cycle through 16x16 shapes thanks to midi, which could be extremely powerful.

However, I don't know if I've misread something in the doc but there is no mention on how to specify what the waves will actually be.
Is there, for example a way to import waveforms, or better still, a sequence of 16 waveforms into SRAM so that pushpin can read them?

Thanks in advance to anyone who may have info on this.
As soon as my Teensyboy arrives i'll get cracking and test the sh!t out of this little rom.


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That's right, Aquellex is the one that kindly made me a .ips patch with custom colors and fonts! You guys should consider donating a few bucks to him if he's still inclined to receive commissions for this. I'm personally super happy.


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That's right, Aquellex is the one that kindly made me a .ips patch with custom colors and fonts! You guys should consider donating a few bucks to him if he's still inclined to receive commissions for this. I'm personally super happy.