
(13 replies, posted in Releases)

Tom Woxom heart


(35 replies, posted in Trading Post)

You can run Nerdtracker on it which I like better.


(35 replies, posted in Trading Post)

have I seen this before I'd get it. Now I bought my quota for the month sad


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

So is it just the RRNet expansion, without Retro Replay or any other sort of host, right?

LSDJ MC2 sold!
Diskettes all gone!


(20 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Awesome to see this sort of stuff cominng out for Amiga! Keep it up@

Seriously, rid me of this stuff.


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

What Commoodore 64 is it? C64 II or the old breadbox?


No querés nada en serio? Pensalo. Sabés que tengo muchas otras cosas máas y te puedo llegar a regalar algo.

Nah, shipping would be around 10 bucks I think. 50 disks is not that much of a weight (around 2.5lbs)

Emar, I was waiting on confirmation for those thingies and they have been local picked up already hmm sorry. Anything else that you may want? Maybe the 5 1/4 flops?

But SHIPPING is possible tongue What do you want, man? big_smile I need to clear the house.

What's with people not wanting cheap or free stuff? tongue I still got a bunch of tehse things.

Logan: I used a crummy Panasonic FZ-28. If I had a decent camera, things would be pretty different.

All: Remember you have the Chip in Japan compilation: http://truechiptilldeath.com/japan/ to donate to Japan and get a truckload of fresh new tunes.


(51 replies, posted in Releases)

I remember how I was lame enough to get covered with work shit and unable to submit a track for this sad