Paris and OTRO have been using this for a while! The latest revision, for Caanoo, is pretty ace.


(2 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Buco de caca! xDDDDDD


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That moment when you decide to make useless threads like this.

This thread has taken a turn to reflect exactly what I meant about the online chipmusic community.

Yeah! Mine still lasts for some time so I am keeping it but before I had an OPL-3 Thinkpad with a dead battery and I just tossed that piece o shit to the dump and it was awesome light big_smile

Replacing that outdated hard drive with a compactflash/ide adapter makes it lighter, NOISELESS and consume less battery. You should big_smile

PS: BIOS IS a firmware tongue

In electronic systems and computing, firmware is a term often used to denote the fixed, usually rather small, programs and/or data structures that internally control various electronic devices.


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

AndrewKilpatrick wrote:
akira^8GB wrote:

PS: Andrew, there IS a contact form on the website:

My bad big_smile

I don't think it's a problem since the thread brought attention to the good work of this site and its owner big_smile


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DEDan you rock!

PS: Andrew, there IS a contact form on the website:

I love it. The chipmusic community is of like, what, 10 rats and their friends? We're very few, nevertheless drama, shit-talking, flaming and other "fun"  internet activities occur among those who form the community. Not to say that talking shit about others in other forums is cowardly. About people they haven't even met in person and don't know anything about.

Evidently lots of people around here don't understand camaraderie and respect for your peers, specially those who, at least, have been into this for much longer than them. This is evident in the need for people to spread out in a ridiculous amount of websites that make no sense.

Keep it up!


(41 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

This is awesome. Thanks!

Thanks for that, convenient! But would it run in my setup? I only have 16MB of RAM.

I don't think the 50CT or 70CT have the USB interface, but they probably have the MIDI. Do you have any documents to hack it?
Also: I managed to boot my 50CT. I needed to upgrade  the firmware to the latest version. I suggest anyone with a Libretto doing the same.

Now my 50CT is running happy dualbooting Win98 and DOS, and my PCMCIA transfer kits work great. I only boot Windows when I need to transfer files.

Linux would be quite a nightmare for a CF-IDE based setup because of the swapfile.


(16 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Also: you could fry the chip plugging shit in so I never bothered with it.


(63 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thread "closed".

Put some shit up on eBay.

The shipping costs are untrue because eBay refuses to fix their shipping calculator for my region.

Any questions, just feel free to ask. … 4340.l2562


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Obscure? I -never- had a problem with the friends lists. My content is all controlled and visible only to who I want.