
(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dosPrompt wrote:

The concept of being able to filter what Im saying so I can say the "good" stuff to my friends while keeping that stuff secret from people I work with is a big, big +1 IMHO

But you can do that with Facebook already. Does nobody use friend lists? It's exactly teh same as "circles", which is why I don't understand the whole fuzz about them.They still don't control what other people post on YOUR profile or about you. It was recently blogged by someone. If you post something I can view I can share it basically to everyone and make it public. It works just like Facebook.

I think the ownership of content uploaded would be the key to differentiate google+ from FB.


(63 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Well played, egr... "well played".


(21 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I would save myself a load of trouble and not go that route. Most plugins and professional DAWs are developed for either Windows or OS X Platforms, specially the plugins.

dosPrompt wrote:

lol, Akira tell me you didnt take home 50 KG or robots and gashapon capsule toys.

Well, I was foolish.
I took one big bag and one carryon bag. The big bag was almost empty and it returned full of stuff. Then I had to add a huge (and I mean HUGE) bag of robots to it.
If I had taken two suitcases + a carryon, I sure as hell would have done my best to fill it up with Gundam xD


(63 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DaPantz wrote:

i hate u "all"

fixed... or "fixed"?


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The post had a link to this guy's tumblr. There's some music in there, people should check it out:


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

µB wrote:

btw, this release was featured on TCTD (via tctdbot)
http://truechiptilldeath.com/blog/2011/ … her-tilde/

Edited for deletion.


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fraktal "Face"

Actually, 2x23 kilogram suitcases you can take big_smile


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

µB wrote:

The worst offenders are restaurants and bistros around where I live. They can never, ever figure out where quotation marks go.
The bistro around the corner of my workplace advertises "stew" every other week. Like hell I'm touching stew that's put in quotation marks! "Today" is another favorite. I guess because it's relative of the time-zone or planet or something?

Sorry for thread derailing, but to me it is also a pet peeve the misuse of quotation marks as a tool to emphasize. It's totally wrong.  I sure as hell am not getting anywhere near close to a "steak" either xD


(49 replies, posted in General Discussion)

kitsch wrote:

just out of simple curiosity...

why quotes: "america"


Perhaps this is one of the few occurrences on teh internetz where an united states citizen recognizes the whole continent of America and does not refer to his country as that. tongue Or something else.

ninjaspew wrote:

going to get so many robots

That's what I did last year. It was actually a logistic problem when I had to return. I basically had an extra luggage full of them xD

Social networkz, by the way: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=gro … 3&ap=1

PS: give me my bandwidth back, on main page load, a dozen+ tracks load at once.


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Oh Leon, I miss you   heart


(174 replies, posted in Sega)

I'll be looking forward to convert my TFM experiments through this so they sound properly on my Genesis.
If you don't use samples, can't you use TFC files to play on the Megadrive?