(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

\ smile /
_/ \_


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I recently got linked to this short anime. It's very pleasant, cute and inspiring. You should take 5 minutes of your day to watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qCbiCxBd2M smile)))))))))))))))))))))

Other media hmmmmmmmmm.... I really want to play DayZ, so far I have only watched videos, but it looks like a great game to play with friends. It's like a "realistic" zombie apocalypse mod for ARMA 2.


(75 replies, posted in Releases)

but $$$ $$$ $$$ $$rr$ $$$ $$rrrrrrrrrrr$


the idea of showing someone something that will make them happy

knowing the satisfaction of making something you think is good can make you want to write more

listening to other music

the only games i actually play (like not often at all) are tetris, super mario land and game & watch gallery 3, surprised no one really mentioned these.

i have quite a stack of gb games but these are the only good ones imo.


(11 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

i think you should just keep pumping out new songs, you have a promising technique and a lot to learn, don't get hung up asking for CC on this one track. make more. experiment. evolve.

I remember people talking about this as a joke, can't believe Johan is actually considering it/implementing it.



(87 replies, posted in Releases)

good job frostbyte1

drums kits is ~swel|O


(24 replies, posted in Releases)

3:05 nice sync


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Jellica wrote:

ant1 should upload more music here.

i'd like that.

some other good artists as well maybe.

mmm anyway, did no one notice that you can arrange the music on here by rating, replies and views?

popularity contest.

Saying stuff like "some other good artists as well maybe." It's just... so jerk, maybe refer to them as artists you simply like.

Also, I do actually think the filters would work if the rating made more sense. What is the featured music filter?


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

10k wrote:

Doesn't this thread is a bit silly?

If you wanna hear new artists (which I think is the argument that was actually presented as the need for some kind of popularity-based system) listen to the music section. Just do it. You shouldn't need someone to tell you what is good.

No I should not, and I won't even if the said feature was implemented. Just because it's first doesn't mean I will like it, just saying I more likely would like it as opposed to the random songs on the front page.


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

danimal cannon wrote:

I really think The Swimm is right, but I do have one caveat.

With the 'popularity contest' people were actually listening and discovering WAY more music.  Yeah, there's a host of drama, bullshit, and god knows what going on, but the focus was on the music.

Maybe it's a problem with my own behavior, but I found myself checking out way more actual songs on 8bc.

This is exactly my thoughts.

As much as I like the sound of "music discovery system" I'm not sure it would work so well. There just needs to be some sort of DISPLAY. Something showing good songs perhaps with some fair rotation mechanism. I think breakphase and nitro2k1 were more on the right track.

I should probably stop posting now, kind of like I'm sharing my thoughts on a sci-fi novel. You know, because it's not realistic.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

FamiTracker multi-expansion hax (discovered by TomoAlien) with specifically FT 0.3.5.

check dat tweny five chan


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Yeah, you're right swearing is cool.


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)


I think you're right. After reading some of the reactions maybe chip"music".org isn't the best place for a chipmusic chart. I wonder if it's just the forum user base though, I'm sure a lot of the people that post music here would be into it if it was implemented.

The typical forum members against this thread have always been grumpyboots; even on 8bc.


Right on.


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Subconscious jealousy I think is the answer to this thread.